International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


790 results found
The Morning Star - Paul Sjolund - Jakarta Festival Chorus
video: The Morning Star - Paul Sjolund - Jakarta Festival Chorus

The Morning Star - Paul Sjolund - Jakarta Festival Chorus - "To Love Our God" Concert. Aula Simfonia Jakarta, 13 October 2012. Conductor: Rev. Lee Chong Min.

Ralph Vaughan Williams: Hodie - 1. Prologue
video: Ralph Vaughan Williams: Hodie - 1. Prologue

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958): Hodie (1953-54) 1. Prologue Monteverdichor Würzburg Matthias Beckert (cond.) Live recording from december 4th, 2011 in The Neubaukirche, Würzburg, GerMany. Nowell! Nowell! Nowell! Hodie ChrIstus natus e...  Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958): Hodie (1953-54) 1. Prologue Monteverdichor Würzburg Matthias Beckert (cond.) Live recording from december 4th, 2011 in The Neubaukirche, Würzburg, GerMany. Nowell! Nowell! Nowell! Hodie ChrIstus natus est: Hodie salvator apparuit: Hodie in terra canunt angeli, laetantur archangeli: Hodie exultant justi, dicentes: gloria in excelsIs Deo: Alleluia. ChrIstmas! ChrIstmas! ChrIstmas! ( From The Vespers for ChrIstmas Day: ) Today ChrIst Is born: Today The Saviour appeared: Today on Earth The Angels sing, Archangels rejoice: Today The righteous rejoice, saying: Glory to God in The highest: Alleluia. Weihnacht! Weihnacht! Weihnacht! ( Antiphon der Weihnachtsvesper: ) Heute Ist ChrIstus geboren. Heute Ist der Heiland erschienen. Heute singen die Engel auf Erden, und die Erzengel frohlocken. Heute jubeln die Gerechten und rufen: Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe. Halleluja.  Is).getParent().getPrevious().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">less

Winter: God bless the Master - Ralph Vaughan Williams Folk Songs of the Four Seasons
video: Winter: God bless The Master - Ralph Vaughan Williams Folk Songs of The Four Seasons

Fifteenth and final movement of Ralph Vaughan Williams' Folk Songs of The Four Seasons. Sung by The Les Sirènes Female Chamber Choir and accompanied by The Les Sirènes Orchestra, conducted by Andrew Nunn. St Andrew's in The Square, Glasgow, 26/06/11.

Under the sea, performed by a multitrack one man choir
video: Under The sea, performed by a multitrack one Man choir

Under The sea, sung by a multitrack one-Man choir Kirby Shaw's Choral arrangement of Under The Sea, from The Little Mermaid, sung by a multitrack one-Man choir

Old Man River
video: Old Man River

"Old Man River" from Jerome Kern's & Oscar Hammerstein II's Show Boat. Arrangement by Nicholas Hare. Sunday, March 15, 2015, Congregational Church of Batavia.

Gloria   by John Rutter
video: Gloria by John Rutter

2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 翁佳芬 John Rutter魯特 魯特(John Rutter, 1945-)是英國近代傑出的作曲家、指揮家、教育家,也是合唱音樂的推廣者,合唱作品類型分為改編與創作兩大類,魯特的合唱小品承繼英國傳統,溫馨而典雅,大型宗教合唱作品節奏明快、旋律動聽,《光榮頌》是魯特首次在美國正式演出的合唱作品,也是襲捲美國樂壇的代表作。   《光榮頌》是魯特於1974年獲美國梅爾歐森合唱團(The Voice of Mel...  Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 翁佳芬 John Rutter魯特 魯特(John Rutter, 1945-)是英國近代傑出的作曲家、指揮家、教育家,也是合唱音樂的推廣者,合唱作品類型分為改編與創作兩大類,魯特的合唱小品承繼英國傳統,溫馨而典雅,大型宗教合唱作品節奏明快、旋律動聽,《光榮頌》是魯特首次在美國正式演出的合唱作品,也是襲捲美國樂壇的代表作。   《光榮頌》是魯特於1974年獲美國梅爾歐森合唱團(The Voice of Mel Olson)邀請,以管樂、管風琴、打擊樂伴奏的大型四部混聲合唱作品。歌詞源自〈彌撒曲〉的第二部分,以拉丁文歌詞歡頌耶穌誕生的故事,魯特為了描繪天使吹號角報佳音的景象,使用了大量銅管樂器,而梅爾歐森合唱團正好位在擁有全美最佳管樂演奏者的內布拉斯加州(Nebraska),魯特巧妙地將混聲合唱團與管樂團結合,營造出氣宇軒昂的氛圍。   《光榮頌》包括快、慢、快三個樂章,魯特以歌詞為靈感,設計了特殊動機與音型,構成動人的旋律,音樂素材交織在豐富的合唱織度中,搭配管樂嘹亮的音色,適時點綴打擊樂器,曲風莊嚴華麗且親切迷人,成為近代合唱曲目中膾炙人口的作品。 (撰文 陳主揚) Gloria in excelsIs Deo Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatIs Laudamus te Benedicimus te Adoramus te Glorificamus te Gratias agimus tibi Propter magnam gloriam tuam Dómine Deus, Rex caelestIs Deus Pater omnipotens Domine Fili Unigenite, Jesu ChrIste Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius PatrIs Qui tollIs peccata mundi, mIserere nobIs Suscipe deprecationem nostram Qui sedes ad dexteram PatrIs, mIserere nobIs Quoniam tu solus Sanctus Tu solus ...    Is).getParent().getPrevious().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">less

Live & Unedited - Star Of Bethlehem - Salvacosta with Magna Sinfonia
video: Live & Unedited - Star Of Bethlehem - Salvacosta with Magna Sinfonia

Live and unedited audio of Salvacosta singing Star of Bethlehem with Magna Sinfonia at The St Aldhelms ChrIstmas Concert 2016. Phenomenal Orchestral arrangement by Darren Bartlett. Merry ChrIstmas! Rick Vale & Karla Worley Copyright 1995 Erickson & Ba...  Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">Live and unedited audio of Salvacosta singing Star of Bethlehem with Magna Sinfonia at The St Aldhelms ChrIstmas Concert 2016. Phenomenal Orchestral arrangement by Darren Bartlett. Merry ChrIstmas! Rick Vale & Karla Worley Copyright 1995 Erickson & Baugher Music / Word Music Orchestral Arr. Darren Bartlett ThIs Arr. Copyright Darren Bartlett Performed by Salvacosta with Magna Sinfonia Recorded Live at St Aldhelms 10/12/16 Video Creation - Kingsbere Designs Copyright DMB MUSIC 2016  Is).getParent().getPrevious().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">less

Ensemble In Contrà, Bargi 3.8.2018  5/8 "Il mio bene è star vicino a Dio"
video: Ensemble In Contrà, Bargi 3.8.2018 5/8 "Il mio bene è Star vicino a Dio"

Marco Sofianopulo (1952/2014): Il mio bene è Star vicino a Dio Ensemble In Contrà direttore: Roberto BrIsotto Live recording 3.8.2018 Chiesa di San Giacomo - Bargi (Camugnano) - BO Festival "Voci ed organo dell'Appennino 2018"

Happy, Pharrel Williams, Cover by Coro las Veredas
video: Happy, Pharrel Williams, Cover by Coro las Veredas

Happy, Pharrel Williams, Cover by Coro las Veredas Enrique Martín, Director. Paula Mercedes Lozano, piano Daniel Garay, batería. Yeray Jiménez, bajo. Patricia Mora, teclados. Arreglo de cuerdas: Patricia Mora. Happy incluido en Nube, el Cd del Coro...  Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">Happy, Pharrel Williams, Cover by Coro las Veredas Enrique Martín, Director. Paula Mercedes Lozano, piano Daniel Garay, batería. Yeray Jiménez, bajo. Patricia Mora, teclados. Arreglo de cuerdas: Patricia Mora. Happy incluido en Nube, el Cd del Coro las Veredas. Más información:  

Swinging on a Star | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: Swinging on a Star | The Girl Choir of South Florida

"Swinging on a Star" by Jimmy Van Heusen, text by Johnny Burke. Performed live by The Primes Choir of The Girl Choir of South Florida. Directed by Gretchen Fasulo, AccompanIst Susan Dodd. Recorded live at The Broward Center for The Performing Arts in F...  Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">"Swinging on a Star" by Jimmy Van Heusen, text by Johnny Burke. Performed live by The Primes Choir of The Girl Choir of South Florida. Directed by Gretchen Fasulo, AccompanIst Susan Dodd. Recorded live at The Broward Center for The Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on May 6, 2012.