LaTUCS (La Trobe Uni Choral Society) is a non-auditioned Choir open to all La Trobe students and staff (and other interested members of the community). We rehearse at the Bundoora campus of La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia on Wednesday nights from... more
The student Choir of University of Latvia was established in 1920. First and foremost, its name is closely associated with its first conductor Artūrs Bobkovics (1885-1959), who already then had become "the king of Latvian symphonic music&... more
This track from the Chandos Anthems by G. F. Handel was performed LIVE by the University Choir, KNUST - Kumasi at the Great Hall, KNUST on the 16th April, 2016.
BUMK Classical Choir (Conductor: Kaan Bayır) Since 1994, the Choir continues to bring students together in choral life. Besides its regular concerts in Bogazici University, they also performed in cities such as Ankara, Canakkale, Afyon, Denizli, Izmir,... more
Student activity unit at Indonesia Computer University (UNIKOM).
The Choral Scholars of University College Dublin is Ireland’s leading collegiate choral ensemble. With a large repertoire ranging from art to popular music, and stretching from the medieval to the contemporary in style, this Choir gives many concerts thr... more
Katarzyna Oleś-Blacha – soprano Monika Korybalska – mezzosoprano Marcin Gargała – tenor Łukasz Maciąg – bass Szczecin University Choir Szczecin Cameral Orchestra Warcislaw Kunc - conductor
The Chorale is the premier, choral ensemble of the University. The ensemble consists of approximately 24-32 vocalists selected through a voice placement process and performs traditional/advanced choral literature from all periods. Students who have been... more
Performance of the Nizhny Novgorod State University Choir at the International Festival of University and Academic Choirs "VESNUSHKA". Yaroslavl, Russian Federation, 2013.