97 results found
Caroline introduces ALBION UNDERGROUND
Albion soprano Caroline introduces our Underground performances, which are a completely new departure for us. We have worked to curate a programme of singing and stories that takes us Deep underground in Peak Cavern, Castleton.
Limited tickets are still... moreAlbion soprano Caroline introduces our Underground performances, which are a completely new departure for us. We have worked to curate a programme of singing and stories that takes us Deep underground in Peak Cavern, Castleton.
Limited tickets are still available for this special occasion. See to buy these.
Strathendrick Singers
The Strathendrick Singers is an amateur choir of some fifty singers, which draws its members from the villages in the valley of the River Endrick. Members come from Balfron, Killearn, Drymen, Kippen, Aberfoyle and further afield. We rehearse in Balfron Ch... moreThe Strathendrick Singers is an amateur choir of some fifty singers, which draws its members from the villages in the valley of the River Endrick. Members come from Balfron, Killearn, Drymen, Kippen, Aberfoyle and further afield. We rehearse in Balfron Church on Monday nights at 7.30. We are under the musical direction of Mark Evans, and perform publicly at both Christmas and Spring.
A Manchester Magnificat for choir and orchestra
The history of Manchester as seen through the eyes of local poet Audrey Vaughan, including its origins around the River Irwell, the original monastery which became Manchester Cathedral, the industrial revolution, the Peterloo Massacre, and the singing of... moreThe history of Manchester as seen through the eyes of local poet Audrey Vaughan, including its origins around the River Irwell, the original monastery which became Manchester Cathedral, the industrial revolution, the Peterloo Massacre, and the singing of church and cathedral choirs up to the present day.
Music composed by David Warin Solomons and realised by Guy Protheroe.
Conductor: Zoltán Pad
Tenor soloist: József Gál
Treble soloist: Csongor Gyulai
The boys' choir's conductor was Márton Tóth who taught the piece to the children.
Orchestra and choir: Budapest Scoring
More information about Manchester Magnificat, including a video of the original 1994 performance and the complete poem sequence, can be found at: less
Sionna are a vocal trio based in Limerick, Ireland.The members of Sionna (shunna) met and studied on the banks of the River Shannon at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, where they benefited from a unique and diverse training in world song, Grego... moreSionna are a vocal trio based in Limerick, Ireland.The members of Sionna (shunna) met and studied on the banks of the River Shannon at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, where they benefited from a unique and diverse training in world song, Gregorian chant, sean nós and medieval polyphony. The River Shannon is named for the Goddess Sionna, whose myth tells how she sought out the hazelnuts of wisdom, believed to contain éigse, the spirit of inspiration and creativity. Since their inception in 2012, Sionna have been privileged to share the stage with some of the best names in Irish music today. less
Battersea Choral Workshops
Do you love singing and wish you could do more?
Battersea Choral Workshops' theme for 2011 is Tallis to Whitacre.
Our workshops take place in the beautiful River side church of St Mary's Battersea. There you will spend the day under the expert d... moreDo you love singing and wish you could do more?
Battersea Choral Workshops' theme for 2011 is Tallis to Whitacre.
Our workshops take place in the beautiful River side church of St Mary's Battersea. There you will spend the day under the expert direction of Scott Inglis-Kidger and Ghislaine Morgan, top vocal coach.
Look at our website and register if you would like to join us.
Rolling in the Deep (Adele) - Psycho-Chor der Uni Jena
Dieses Lied stammt aus dem Konzert zum Abschluss des Wintersemesters im Februar 2020 im Volkshaus Jena. Über Likes, Kommentare und Abonnements freuen wir uns natürlich sehr.
Support us: moreDieses Lied stammt aus dem Konzert zum Abschluss des Wintersemesters im Februar 2020 im Volkshaus Jena. Über Likes, Kommentare und Abonnements freuen wir uns natürlich sehr.
Support us:
Chor: Psycho-Chor der FSU Jena e.V.
Ort: Jena
Leitung: Maximilian Lörzer
Arrangement: Maximilian Lörzer
This song was recorded during the concert at the end of the winter term 2019 at the Volkshaus Jena. Of course, we always delight in likes, subcriptions and comments of any variety.
Futher information may be found at You might like to visit us at Facebook, Soundcloud and Instagram as well!
Choir: Psycho-Chor der FSU Jena e.V.
City: Jena
Conductor: Maximilian Lörzer less
Women of Note Massachusetts
We are a dynamic and fun group of women that dedicates our Monday night rehearsals to developing a program and song style that shows our talent and skill in the a cappella style. We have a large variety of rep and do many sing outs as well as compete twic... moreWe are a dynamic and fun group of women that dedicates our Monday night rehearsals to developing a program and song style that shows our talent and skill in the a cappella style. We have a large variety of rep and do many sing outs as well as compete twice a year in the Harmony Inc. organization.
La Tour de Hölderlin (Hölderlin's Tower) for two alto voices
Setting by D W Solomons of a poem by Marie Keyser, for two equal voices
Elle est près du fleuve dormeur debout
It stands by the sleepy River
mais le saule incliné toucherait de sa cîme l'eau
But the bending willow would touch the water with its very... moreSetting by D W Solomons of a poem by Marie Keyser, for two equal voices
Elle est près du fleuve dormeur debout
It stands by the sleepy River
mais le saule incliné toucherait de sa cîme l'eau
But the bending willow would touch the water with its very top
L'église vieille dit les heures
de l'île où la nuit descend
The church - an old church - tells the hours
from the island where the night descends
Je la vois encore son toit de gris dans le gris de l'eau.
I can still see it, its grey roof in the grey of the water
pressens dans la tour de bois
ma demeure la folie
I have a presentiment in the tower of wood
of my dwelling place, of madness
la folie le silence
of madness, of silence
clos clos vigilance
Closed in, closed in
but keeping watch
Oh Ne pas altérer ce qui reste,
et le doit.
Oh never change what remains
and should remain
"Was bleibt aber stiften die Dichter."
What remains, however, is the stuff of poetry. less