260 results found
Greendale Chorale - Light of the Night
Composer: Darius Lim
Greendale Chorale sings 'Light of the Night' in Orientale Concentus III, held in Yilan, Taiwan.
Greendale Chorale was awarded 'Gold' and 'Category Champions of Youth Choir (Equal Voices)' category.
Galaxias - Santiago Veros | The Sunday Night Singers
Scores abailable at:
Performed by The Sunday Night Singers
November 5, 2023
Artistic Director: Mike McCullough
Guest Conductor: Santiago Veros
Concert: Galaxias
Filmed: Alex Arreola
Editing: Jose Meza
Galaxias by Santiago Veros... moreScores abailable at:
Performed by The Sunday Night Singers
November 5, 2023
Artistic Director: Mike McCullough
Guest Conductor: Santiago Veros
Concert: Galaxias
Filmed: Alex Arreola
Editing: Jose Meza
Galaxias by Santiago Veros
The work narrates the idea that each person is a light that is part of the galaxy. The text describes an eternal being that receives the ancestral light to form part of the stellar mantle. It provides support and guidance to those who are looking for a path.
And the shadow of twilight fades
when the light of the ancestors
forms a mantle that protects and guides us.
A being illuminating the galaxies
The certainty on the shipwrecked path
The glint of existence, time and distance.
The ancient aurora of golden light
at the awakening of the dawn
the eyes radiant with certainties
condensed into rays of light.
The eternal radiance of the soul:
an instant of infinite distances
and the birth of a million dawns. less
O Holy Night Composed by: Adolphe Adam, arr: Roy Ringwald
Virtual performance by the Grand Rapids Symphony Youth Choruses
Directors: Leah and Sean Ivory
Pianist: Leah Ivory
Video Editing: Glen Okonoski
Audio Mixing: Jay Round
GRSYC has been singing this arrangement of O Holy Night at our winter concerts f... moreVirtual performance by the Grand Rapids Symphony Youth Choruses
Directors: Leah and Sean Ivory
Pianist: Leah Ivory
Video Editing: Glen Okonoski
Audio Mixing: Jay Round
GRSYC has been singing this arrangement of O Holy Night at our winter concerts for over 25 years. Alumni are always invited to come up and sing along. One of the best parts of holiday concerts is seeing the familiar faces of past choristers. So it made perfect sense to create a virtual performance including both current and alumni singers. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Grand Rapids Symphony Youth Choruses! Enjoy! less
Sure on This Shining Night - Angel City Chorale
"Sure on This Shining Night"
Composed by Morten Lauridsen
Based on a poem by James Agee
performed by Angel City Chorale
Angel City Chorale performing in the spring concert, "Angels Over LA: An LA story," at Wilshire United Methodist Church in Los ... more"Sure on This Shining Night"
Composed by Morten Lauridsen
Based on a poem by James Agee
performed by Angel City Chorale
Angel City Chorale performing in the spring concert, "Angels Over LA: An LA story," at Wilshire United Methodist Church in Los Angeles, California, 2012.
Artistic Director, Sue Fink
Video edited by Sean Dugan
Angel City Chorale website:
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O Holy Night | Coro Cantabile
El Coro Infantil y Juvenil Cantabile de A Coruña canta O Holy Night (Adoph Adam)
Director: Pablo Carballido del Camino
Sopranos solistas: Susana García, Nuria Lemos, María Lueiro
Arpa: Andrés Rodríguez
Grabado por Microrec.
O holy Night, by Coral Santiago Apóstol
“O Holy Night” Adolphe Adam, John Sullivan. Adapt. texto: Mariano García.
Solistas: Celia Alcedo (soprano) y Lars Jorge (tenor)
Coral Santiago Apóstol. Director: Mariano García
Grabado en el Auditorio del Conservatorio Profesional de Música
de Geta... more“O Holy Night” Adolphe Adam, John Sullivan. Adapt. texto: Mariano García.
Solistas: Celia Alcedo (soprano) y Lars Jorge (tenor)
Coral Santiago Apóstol. Director: Mariano García
Grabado en el Auditorio del Conservatorio Profesional de Música
de Getafe (Madrid), durante la Gala conmemorativa
del X Aniversario del nacimiento de la Coral Santiago Apóstol,
celebrada el 25 de noviembre de 2017
Equipo artístico:
Familia Coral Santiago Apóstol
Coral Santiago Apóstol
Coro Encanto
Coro Ilusiones
Mariano García, director Coral Santiago Apóstol y Coro Encanto
Paloma Zarza, directora Coro Ilusiones
Marcelino López, piano
Javier Arcos, violín I
Mercedes Granados, violín II
Cristina Jiménez, viola
Pilar de la Casa, violonchelo
Celia Amodeo, flauta
Antonio Oliva, guitarra española
Beatriz Sánchez, batería
Alba Gómez, bajo eléctrico
Milagros Alameda, Inmaculada de la Madriz y Visi Fernández, pequeña percusión
Juan José Huélamo y Paloma Moreno, guión y presentación
O Holy Night - CSA (11-12-2011)
"O Holy Night"
Adolph Adam. Texto: John S. Dwight
Coral Santiago Apóstol de Casarrubuelos
Barítono: Guillermo Guerrero
Soprano: Visi Fernández
Director: Mariano García
Concierto de Navidad
Monasterio Santa María de El Paular
Rascafría (Madri... more"O Holy Night"
Adolph Adam. Texto: John S. Dwight
Coral Santiago Apóstol de Casarrubuelos
Barítono: Guillermo Guerrero
Soprano: Visi Fernández
Director: Mariano García
Concierto de Navidad
Monasterio Santa María de El Paular
Rascafría (Madrid)
11 diciembre 2011
Rachmaninoff All Night Vigil - Downtown Voices - Stephen Sands, Conductor
The All-Night Vigil (Vespers) Sergie Rachmaninoff (1873 – 1943)
Downtown Voices - Trinity Wall Street (
Stephen Sands, Conductor (
Luthien Brackett, mezzo-soprano
Brian Giebler, tenor
1. ... moreThe All-Night Vigil (Vespers) Sergie Rachmaninoff (1873 – 1943)
Downtown Voices - Trinity Wall Street (
Stephen Sands, Conductor (
Luthien Brackett, mezzo-soprano
Brian Giebler, tenor
1. Пріидите, поклонимся (Priidite, poklonimsya)
Come, Let us Worship
2. Благослови, душе моя, Господа (Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Gospoda) Bless the Lord, O My Soul
3. Блажен муж (Blazhen muzh) Blessed is the Man
4. Свeте тихій (Svete tikhyi) Gladsome Light
5. Нынe отпущаеши (Nyne otpushchayeshi) Lord, Now Lettest Thou
6. Богородице Дeво (Bogoroditse Devo) Rejoice, O Virgin
7. Слава в вышних Богу (Slava v vyshnikh Bogu) Glory to God in the Highest (The Six Psalms)
8. Хвалите имя Господне (Khvalite imya Gospodne) Praise the Name of the Lord
9. Благословен еси, Господи (Blagosloven esi, Gospodi) Blessed Art Thou, O Lord
10. Воскресение Христово видeвше (Voskreseniye Khristovo videvshe) Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ
11. Величитъ ... less