International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


297 results found
blog: Spend All Day At A Desk? Boost Your Fitness By Singing

A recent study found that a staggering 81% people who have a desk job spend Between four and nine hours a Day sitting down. 64% of people felt that this wasn’t good for their health. Having this daily sedentary lifestyle certainly isn&rsqu...

Unclouded Day
video: Unclouded Day

from "Heavenly Home: Three American Songs" Te Deum ChamBer Choir Live performance, NovemBer 16, 2015 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, MO 1. Oh, they tell me of a home far Beyond the skies, Oh, they tell me...  more

The Long Day Closes (Arthur Sullivan, 1868)
video: The Long Day Closes (Arthur Sullivan, 1868)

Po roce jsme si zazpívali během Noci kostelů v krásné kapli sv. Barbory u sv. Tomáše na Malé Straně. Byl to pro nás úžasný zážitek.

blog: WAC Contest 2015

July 31st 2015 Deadlline   Tomorrow ends the deadline to sign up for our Video Competition for Treble and Women's Choirs.    

blog: Swing Into SaturDay - singers workshop with Melissa Gill and Musica (Brisbane, Australia)

Swing Into SaturDay is a full Day singing event guaranteed to inspire, empower and leave you feeling more joyful than you did when your feet hit the floor.    “This will Be a fun Day of learning, laughing and singing up a storm!” &...

Biayenda Choir - One Day One Choir - Concert pour la paix
video: Biayenda Choir - One Day One Choir - Concert pour la paix

A l’occasion de la célébration de la journée internationale de la Paix, le 21 septembre, BIAYENDA CHOIR s'est mobilisé dans le cadre de l’initiative ONE Day ONE CHOIR qui rassemble des milliers de choristes à travers les cinq continents dans le but de cha...  more

"On the Third Day" (A. Pote) from the 2021 Ocean Grove Choir Festival (M. Alexander, Conductor)
video: "On the Third Day" (A. Pote) from the 2021 Ocean Grove Choir Festival (M. Alexander, Conductor)

"On the Third Day" Allen Pote 2021 Ocean Grove Choir Festival Marina Alexander, Conductor Gordon Turk, Organ MidAtlantic Brass Ensemble Recorded: July 11, 2021 The Great Auditorium (Ocean Grove, NJ) For more information on the ministries of t...  more

Another Blue Day for SATB a cappella (Basden)
video: Another Blue Day for SATB a cappella (Basden)

Words by Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881). Uneasy dissonances set a sombre mood. No divisi. Free sheet music. Please get in touch! • facebook: david [dot] basden.9 • New email: deeBee123 [at]

Day Tripper - Arr. Jon Rathbone
video: Day Tripper - Arr. Jon Rathbone

May 9, 2015

OH HAPPY DAY - The Heart of Scotland Choir & Junior Chorus
video: OH HAPPY Day - The Heart of Scotland Choir & Junior Chorus

A fantastic finale to our end of term summer concert. :-)