Coro De Cámara Reyes Bartlet José Híjar Polo, Director Concierto De Navidad Iglesia De la Peña De Francia, Puerto De la Cruz 19 De diciembre De 2000
Although a relatively new player in the world of music, it has not taken long for Six Vocal Ensemble to leave their mark. Building upon the inspiration from such groups as Rajaton, The King’s Singers, and The Real Group, Six has charted a unique path, com... more
Der Chor Der Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft "Vocal resources" beim Konzert "Get in the groove - Vocal resources meets Bonner Jazzchor" am 15.11.2014 mit Dem Kanon "The Summer's over" www.Vocal-resources.De
OMNES Ensamble Vocal Masculino was a mexican Vocal group (1995-2009). Grupo mexicano fundado en 1995 cuyo repertorio abarca DesDe el canto bizantino, canto gregoriano, polifonía, lieDer, espirituales negros, música mexicana, boleros, música infantil, c... more
Named after the latin name of the city of Lisbon, Grupo Vocal Olisipo began its activity in 1987. The group’s repertory is quite wiDe and eclectic and ranges from sacred and secular early music to contemporary works. BesiDes singing some of the most impor... more
The group “Vocal Consonante” was created in 2000, on the initiative of a group of singers to approach a popular repertoire with artistic rigor and freshness. ARRANGEMENTS AND DIRECTION: EDUARDO FERRAUDI
In Hora Sexta was born as a chamber choir in 2002. From the beginning our intention was to establish a dialog between ancient Vocal music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods and contemporary music from the 20th and 21st centuries. As the Vocal requir... more
Six Vocal Ensemble performs Jackson 5's I Want You Back. From the album, "Swept Away" - available for purchase from or on iTunes.
Vocal ensemble «Brevis» has been founDed in 1995. Within the choir there are acting two ensembles: children’s choir «Brevis» (Vocalists from 13 to 18 years of age) and a Vocal ensemble «Brevis» (girls choir - Vocalist from 18 to 30 years of age). All of t... more