La Asociación Musical CORO "SANTA MARÍA" de Coria del Río (Sevilla) interpreta IF Music BE THE FOOD of LOVE (D.Dickau) bajo la dirección de SERGIO ASIÁN, en el V Encuentro Coral Internacional celebrado el 22 de noviembre de 2014, en la Parroquia de San Jo... more
We made an exceptional video! Not typical for Choirs! Be sure to look and enjoy!!! And visit our website We are grateful for your donations! We believe that together we can make the impossible possible. #Choir #Music #london #jewish... more
Have you ever wanted to stay longer in a meeting-Music festival, basking in the good vibrations of choral singing? We can extend your Musica Eterna Roma experience from July 5-7, 2016 in Pompeii! Meeting Music invites you to imagine thre...
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] There are many Choir leaders whose priority is to create as perfect a rendition of a written Musical score as they can (see Music lives in flawed humans and...
Greetings to all SSAA Choirs and conductors, Are you on the lookout for an extraordinary piece that will elevate your Choir's repertoire and leave an indelible mark on your audience? As a composer deeply passionate about choral Music, I've always...
We have great news for you! Watch and share -> Till now you can follow us on Youtube as well on meeting Music channel And do not forget our other social sites: meeting Music Konrad Adenauer Str. 36 35415 Pohlhei...
BALLEILAKKA (A.R.Rahman, arranged by Ethan Sperry) From 'Sivaji: The Boss' National Youth Training Choir of Great Britain TARANG Percussion Ensemble Choreography - Sheevam Pattni Music direction - Rob... more
To promote excellence in community Music making, the choral masterworks of both known and lesser known composers, the continuing Musical and vocal development of its membership and to enhance access to choral Music for all segments of the community.
This year in Denmark we are so lucky to host the world’s biggest Music competition: the Eurovision Song Contest 2014. We work under the tagline #JoinUs and aim to invite everyone to join us and celebrate the Music at the Eurovision in May. ...
Excerpt from The Snowman - Walking in the air / Music by Howard Blake filmed live at the Christmas Celebration Concert 2019 accompanied by Alvin Allison (Piano) and the Wessex Youth Orchestra. Copyright DMB Music 2000-2019