6,500 results found
Classic Choral Society
The Classic Choral Society, established in 1959, is a non-for-profit arts organization, community chorus of adult singers dedicated to the study and performance of great choral works. Since 1992, it is under the direction of Janiece Kohler.
Classic Chora... moreThe Classic Choral Society, established in 1959, is a non-for-profit arts organization, community chorus of adult singers dedicated to the study and performance of great choral works. Since 1992, it is under the direction of Janiece Kohler.
Classic Choral Society membership is open to any adult with experience singing in a church, school or community Choir.
For more information, call 845-713-4543 or 914-456-3385 or visit
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The Brazilian Virtual Choir Lab - Australia
Registration is open for The Brazilian Virtual Choir Lab in Australia!
The Brazilian Virtual Choir Lab is a course designed to enhance all students’ musical, creative and expressive qualities. Each program will fo...
World Peace Choral Festival 2020
From July 15th to 19th 2020, Vienna, the music capital of the world, will be once again the stage for children and youth Choirs from all around the world. Under the slogan "Coming together to sing, singing for a better future", the young participants will...
Santiago Veros's Virtual Choir: La Magia del Río
La Magia Del Río Virtual Choir.
We are brothers of the same species and maybe we do not realize but our differences ideological, behavioral, religious, gender, etc. – In truth are skills to complement us and if... moreLa Magia Del Río Virtual Choir.
We are brothers of the same species and maybe we do not realize but our differences ideological, behavioral, religious, gender, etc. – In truth are skills to complement us and if we unite them, we will have access to all the knowledge of all the truths existing in humanity.
We must be tolerant and learn from one another because we are in the same boat traveling together and to live a wonderful life, we must listen to each other and unite to awaken our kindness and create synergistic relationships. So we will always remember that we are the same species and we will find peace.
Translation of the lyrics.
We are the union;
The most powerful force in nature,
With the ability to make shine
The spring of desires.
We are the arms high up and
We are hugging the sky
Uniting the seas;
We cross the borders and
We create magic.
We are transported there,
Where desire flows and
Where together we are the torrent
With the abilit... less
Victoria Ljubljana 2020 Choral Competition
From 11th - 13th December 2020 Ljubljana opens for the festival Choirs its best music venues for Choir concerts and performances. You are invited to enjoy together the festival programme full of beautiful music.
Competitive performance: December 12th , 20... moreFrom 11th - 13th December 2020 Ljubljana opens for the festival Choirs its best music venues for Choir concerts and performances. You are invited to enjoy together the festival programme full of beautiful music.
Competitive performance: December 12th , 2020
Applications for the Victoria Ljubljana International Choral Competition are closing on 20 th August 2020.
Find out more at
See you in Ljubljana!
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‘The Ground’ by Ola Gjeilo, performed by Macquarie Singers
Macquarie Singers is an unauditioned community Choir from Epping, NSW, Australia. This is our first Virtual Choir, created October-December 2020 on Dharug, Eora and Kuring-gai land. After performing Ola Gjeilo's 'The Ground' in our final concert in 2019, ... moreMacquarie Singers is an unauditioned community Choir from Epping, NSW, Australia. This is our first Virtual Choir, created October-December 2020 on Dharug, Eora and Kuring-gai land. After performing Ola Gjeilo's 'The Ground' in our final concert in 2019, we were preparing it again for our 'Indomitable Spirit' concert in May 2020. Then, Covid-19 arrived. Like many Choirs, we kept going online, or outdoors when permitted. This film is a record of our year, made to remind ourselves that joy and connection are still available to us, despite distance and change.
Macquarie Singers & Macquarie Chamber Orchestra
Conductor: Sarah Penicka-Smith
Piano: Josephine Allan
Violin 1: Tess Duflou
Violin 2: Sagar Nagaraj
Viola: Kathryn Ramsay
Cello: Marc Valpiani
Video engineer: Connor Malanos
Audio engineer: Joshua Winestock
Supported with a community grant from Epping Community Bank (Bendigo Bank). less
"Evening Rise" - Chór "Razzle Dazzle" - wirtualny chór
“Razzle Dazzle” Choir w utworze “Evening Rise” pod kierownictwem Zuzanny Popiołkiewicz.
Materiał został nagrany przez chórzystów w domach w czasie kwarantanny w czerwcu 2020.
#spiewajwdomu #zostanwdomu
Dzięki możliwościom jakie daje internet, czł... more“Razzle Dazzle” Choir w utworze “Evening Rise” pod kierownictwem Zuzanny Popiołkiewicz.
Materiał został nagrany przez chórzystów w domach w czasie kwarantanny w czerwcu 2020.
#spiewajwdomu #zostanwdomu
Dzięki możliwościom jakie daje internet, członkowie nagrodzonego srebrnym pasmem chóru zaśpiewali wspólnie po raz pierwszy od kilku miesięcy. Zaprosili do nagrania także przyjaciół z trzech kontynentów. Zespół w pieśni północnoamerykańskich Indian daje nadzieję, że wraz z zachodem słońca odejdą problemy i nadejdzie lepsze jutro.
"Evening rise" jest efektem pracy ponad 30 chórzystów. Projekt stanowi nie tylko finał sezonu artystycznego zespołu, ale i wyjątkowe muzyczne spotkanie w wirtualnym świecie.
Wirtualny chór w wykonaniu “Razzle Dazzle” wyróżnia się 6-głosem a cappella. Dodatkowym wyzwaniem dla śpiewaków był brak odsłuchu linii melodycznej i metronomu w słuchawce. Dyrygentka wskazywała jedynie dźwięk początkowy i końcowy poszczególnych pokazów tematu. Dzięki tym zabiegom każdy z uczestników móg... less