You want your voice To work at its best no matter the tiMe or season. However, Life has surprises and soMetiMes your voice may experience soMe difficulties. There are days your voice feels like an ice block and other days, it’s easy To go...
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] SoMetiMes old choir reperToire becoMes stale. PhoTo by quinn.anya Well-loved songs start To wear out and lose their sparkle. What can ...
Sanita Melodia Choir at Symphony of Life Concert on November 2013
Music has been the inseparabale part of human Life. And when the ear listens To music, the mouth responds with signing. For soMe, music and signing brings joy To themselves while for soMe, it helps them express themselves. Nevertheless, there is one impor...
CHIJ KaTong Convent Choir, Est. 2000. Under the direction of Mr. Terrence Toh. We live Life To the fullest, and sing like there's no Tomorrow
More">The Choir at St Mary’s Cathedral is one of Scotland’s finest. It is made up of boys, girls, woMen and Men from all walks of Life and with many levels of musical expertise and experience, who give of their tiMe and talent on an entirely voluntary basis To ... More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">The Choir at St Mary’s Cathedral is one of Scotland’s finest. It is made up of boys, girls, woMen and Men from all walks of Life and with many levels of musical expertise and experience, who give of their tiMe and talent on an entirely voluntary basis To sing To a professional standard. Membership of the choir currently stands at around thirty-five adults and sixteen To twenty children. The choir’s principal function is To provide the music and help lead the worship at the Cathedral’s two main services every Sunday: Sung Eucharist at 10.30 am and Choral Evensong at 6.30 pm. Services are preceded by a rehearsal, and there is a rehearsal once a week, currently on Thursday evenings. In addition To these important duties, the choir also sings for regular special services, occasional concerts, broadcasts regularly on BBC Radio, has appeared on TV, and every year they sing in one of the great British Cathedrals for a weekend, or soMetiMes a week. St Mary’s Cathedral Choir performs a very wide range of music, ... less
Hello, Music Enthusiast! Get ready To be part of soMething larger Than Life. The Galaxias Virtual Choir isn't just a place To sing; it's a six-month adventure where you'll connect with an exclusive, vibrant community. Revive old friendships, create new o...
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] Apparently there is More To Life Than just singing (can’t imagine what), so occasionally you may have To miss a choir rehearsal (not Me though!...
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] This is a busy concert tiMe for most choirs. I thought I'd give an account of a typical concert by one of my community choirs. This ...
The Brocal Chords perform at the Drake University Relay for Life fundraiser.