International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


142 results found
Jesus Christ, My Lord - an ancient ukrainian chant
video: Jesus Christ, My Lord - an ancient ukrainian chant

an class="view_more">"Jesus Christ, My Lord" - an ancient ukrainian chant, performed by Revutsky Male Choir & the famous ukrainian singer NINA MATVYENKO at her Solo-concert "Soul as Flower", Kyiv 2014. Капела ім. Ревуцького та Ніна Матвієнко - Ісусе Христе Господе мій (стар...  morean>an class="view_more" style="display:none;">"Jesus Christ, My Lord" - an ancient ukrainian chant, performed by Revutsky Male Choir & the famous ukrainian singer NINA MATVYENKO at her Solo-concert "Soul as Flower", Kyiv 2014. Капела ім. Ревуцького та Ніна Матвієнко - Ісусе Христе Господе мій (старовинний псалом). Запис з сольного концерту Ніни Матвієнко - «Квітка-душа» м. Київ, Будинок Художника, 2014 р. SoundCLOUD: YouTUBE: Slide Share: Facebook: E-mail:  lessan>

The Magic of Melody: Exploring Ariel's Sacred Fantasy Realm!
video: The Magic of Melody: Exploring Ariel's Sacred Fantasy Realm!

an class="view_more">Experience the enchanting world of Gregorian chant with this mesmerizing music video showcasing the magical power of this ancient music. Let the soothing melodies transport you to a place of peace and tranquility, providing healing and stress relief. Imme...  morean>an class="view_more" style="display:none;">Experience the enchanting world of Gregorian chant with this mesmerizing music video showcasing the magical power of this ancient music. Let the soothing melodies transport you to a place of peace and tranquility, providing healing and stress relief. Immerse yourself in the melodic harmonies that will take you to seventh heaven, evoking wonderment and a sense of ethereal vibes. Discover the heartfelt and angelic sounds that resonate with your soul, as you feel the presence of your guardian angel through this medieval art form. Share this video and let others bask in the beauty of these sacred sounds. All rights belong to Ultraphonic Music Library.  lessan>

blog: ukrainian Christmas Songs

Dear Friends, Together with talented ukrainian composer, singer and the author of arrangements for choir, Victor Grytsyshyn, we have prepared a songbook. It includes the most famous ukrainian Christmas Songs. All of them were arranged for choir by Victor...

Lord make us instruments of your peace - J-C. Rosaz
video: Lord make us instruments of your peace - J-C. Rosaz

an class="view_more">chant commun de la Maîtrise d'antony et du Chœur d'Enfants Amazing Grace interprété le 25 janvier 2014. Prière de François d'Assise. Partition réalisée à l'occasion de la Cérémonie de la Paix du 13 juillet 2014 qui rassemblera 5000 Petits chanteurs venus ...  morean>an class="view_more" style="display:none;">chant commun de la Maîtrise d'antony et du Chœur d'Enfants Amazing Grace interprété le 25 janvier 2014. Prière de François d'Assise. Partition réalisée à l'occasion de la Cérémonie de la Paix du 13 juillet 2014 qui rassemblera 5000 Petits chanteurs venus du monde entier. "Seigneur, fais de moi un instrument de ta paix, Là où est la haine, que je mette l'amour. Là où est l'offense, que je mette le pardon...."  an>

Ave Musica Choir (Ukraine) - Ukrainian Folkore program
video: Ave Musica Choir (Ukraine) - ukrainian Folkore program

an class="view_more">Ave Musica Choir (Odessa) performs ukrainian folklore program @ Festival Internacional de Musica de Cantonigros 2012 (Vic, Spain) 1. "Ой, дуб, дуба" (обр. Н.Ракова) - «Oh, Oak, Oakling» (ukrainian folk song, arr. by Nikolay Rakov) 2. "Стоїть явір" (В....  morean>an class="view_more" style="display:none;">Ave Musica Choir (Odessa) performs ukrainian folklore program @ Festival Internacional de Musica de Cantonigros 2012 (Vic, Spain) 1. "Ой, дуб, дуба" (обр. Н.Ракова) - «Oh, Oak, Oakling» (ukrainian folk song, arr. by Nikolay Rakov) 2. "Стоїть явір" (В.Стеценко) - Vladimir Stetsenko «The Sycamore Stands» 3. "За нашим стодолом" (обр. В.Зубицького) - «Behind Our Barn» (ukr. folk. song arr. by Vladimir Zubitskiy)  an>

Sacred Melodies: Exploring the Harmony of Sanctus in Gregorian Chant
video: Sacred Melodies: Exploring the Harmony of Sanctus in Gregorian chant

Step into the ethereal world of Gregorian chant with My new video called "Discover the Divine: Gregorian chant's Sacred Harmony

Гурт "ОРФЕЙ" - Стародавній кант  "Через поле широкеє..."
video: Гурт "ОРФЕЙ" - Стародавній кант "Через поле широкеє..."

The оld ukrainian chant. Стародавній лірницький кант невідомого автора XVI ст. Дмитро Котко (обр.) "Через поле широкеє, через море глибокеє...". Павло Табаков та вокальний гурт "ОРФЕЙ" , Львів, 2007р. ukrainian song. Украинская народная песня.

"May my Soul Bless the Lord" - Revutsky Academic Male Choir (Kyiv, Ukraine)
video: "May My Soul Bless the Lord" - Revutsky Academic Male Choir (Kyiv, Ukraine)

an class="view_more">Pearl of ukrainian Sacred Music - piece of Kirylo Stetsenko - "May My Soul Bless the Lord" SoundCLOUD: YouTUBE: Slide Share:  morean>an class="view_more" style="display:none;">Pearl of ukrainian Sacred Music - piece of Kirylo Stetsenko - "May My Soul Bless the Lord" SoundCLOUD: YouTUBE: Slide Share: Facebook: E-mail:  an>

Ave musica Choir (Ukraine) - Ukrainian Christmas songs
video: Ave musica Choir (Ukraine) - ukrainian Christmas songs

an class="view_more">Ave Musica Choir (Odessa) performs ukrainian Christmas folklore program @ Krakow Advent & Christmas Choir Festival 2011 1. "Щедрий вечір" (обр. Б. Сегіна) - "Christmas Eve" (arr. by Bogdan Seguin) 2. "Різдво-Коляда" (колядка) - "Christmas Carol" 3. "...  morean>an class="view_more" style="display:none;">Ave Musica Choir (Odessa) performs ukrainian Christmas folklore program @ Krakow Advent & Christmas Choir Festival 2011 1. "Щедрий вечір" (обр. Б. Сегіна) - "Christmas Eve" (arr. by Bogdan Seguin) 2. "Різдво-Коляда" (колядка) - "Christmas Carol" 3. "Пречиста Діва" (Т. Власенко, аранж. М. Гобдича) - "Сarol" (Tetyana Vlasenko, arr. by Mykola Hobdych) 4. "Будьте здорові" (колядка) - Carol "We Wish You To Be Well"  an>

Choir of the Earth presents: Slava! - A Celebration of Orthodox and Ukrainian Choral Music
video: Choir of the Earth presents: Slava! - A Celebration of Orthodox and ukrainian Choral Music

an class="view_more">Choir of the Earth's August 2022 Concert Performance of Slava! - five pieces of stunning Orthodox Church music, including: ● Hymn of Praise, Rachmaninoff ● ukrainian Prayer, John Rutter CBE ● Otche Nash (Our Father), Kedrov ● Shchedryk, a traditiona...  morean>an class="view_more" style="display:none;">Choir of the Earth's August 2022 Concert Performance of Slava! - five pieces of stunning Orthodox Church music, including: ● Hymn of Praise, Rachmaninoff ● ukrainian Prayer, John Rutter CBE ● Otche Nash (Our Father), Kedrov ● Shchedryk, a traditional ukrainian folk song ● Hymn of the Cherubim, Tchaikovsky ● Outro & Credits  an>