920 results found
Do you Know the Song Sunday 12 2 2018
World premiere of "Do you Know the Song the Angels Sang" by Villa Park, IL composer John Milne.
Sunday, 12/2/19
Congregational Church of Batavia, IL
Sweet was the Song by William Ballet sung by us at a Nottingham choir course in 1977
Sung by us at a singing course in Nottingham in 1977
Sweet was the Song the Virgin Sang,
When she to Bethlem Juda came
And was delivered of a son,
That blessed Jesus hath to name:
Lula, lula, lula, lullaby, "Sweet babe," quoth she.
"My son, And ... moreSung by us at a singing course in Nottingham in 1977
Sweet was the Song the Virgin Sang,
When she to Bethlem Juda came
And was delivered of a son,
That blessed Jesus hath to name:
Lula, lula, lula, lullaby, "Sweet babe," quoth she.
"My son, And eke a Saviour born,
Who hast vouchsafèd from on high
To visit us that were forlorn:
Lula, lula, lula, lullaby, Sweet babe", quoth she
And rocked him sweetly on her knee.
Koloi ya Elija (South Africa)
This is a very popular church Song, but is a bit unusual in that it originated as a folk Song about driving a car. Usually it is the church Song which is incorporated into the folk culture. In the Sotho language:
"I also like to see the Angels on Moun... moreThis is a very popular church Song, but is a bit unusual in that it originated as a folk Song about driving a car. Usually it is the church Song which is incorporated into the folk culture. In the Sotho language:
"I also like to see the Angels on Mount Zion, with all the blessed people."
This is from the OK Chorale's second public concert in March 2013 at St. Mary's Church, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK.
For our first "live" video, the TWMVC is excited to virtually perform Robbie Williams' classic ballad "Angels."
the track is from our latest CD, "Yma O Hyd," and is also Downloadable individually. Both options are available on our website,
My Spirit Sang All Day - Gerald Finzi
My Spirit Sang All Day - Geral Finzi
Performed by the Abbeydale Singers on their 25th anniversary concert, at St. John's Church, Ranmoor, Sheffield, 16th July 2011.
See for more details.
One Day One Choir 2018
Last June, at the Final School Year Concert of our Voces Blancas del Nalón Schools Choirs, we rehearsed and Sang our interpretation of the New One Day One Choir Song. We did it so, that the 21st of September, we could join our voices to all those thousand... moreLast June, at the Final School Year Concert of our Voces Blancas del Nalón Schools Choirs, we rehearsed and Sang our interpretation of the New One Day One Choir Song. We did it so, that the 21st of September, we could join our voices to all those thousand of choirs and choral singers that are singing for the peace within the OneDayOneChoir initiative.
El pasaDo junio, en el Festival de fin de curso de los Coros Escolares de Voces Blancas del Nalón, preparamos y cantamos nuestra interpretación de la pieza the New One Day One Choir Song. De esta manera, sumamos nuestras voces a las de miles de coros y coralistas del munDo que cantan el día 21 de septiembre por la paz mundial.
Festival de Fin de Curso Coros Escolares de Voces Blancas del Nalón, junio 2018 less
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
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Hark! the Herald Angels Sing · the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square · Orchestra at Temple Square · Gabriel Trumpet Ensemble
Angels Among Us
℗ Intellectual Reserve
Released on: 2019-10-18
Composer Ly... moreProvided to youTube by Awal Digital Ltd
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing · the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square · Orchestra at Temple Square · Gabriel Trumpet Ensemble
Angels Among Us
℗ Intellectual Reserve
Released on: 2019-10-18
Composer Lyricist: Charles Wesley
Composer: Felix Mendelssohn
Arranger: Mack Wilberg
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Jordan's Angels
Highbridge Voices performs Rollo Dillworth's piece, Jordan's Angels. Mary Clementi, conductor, Devon Joiner, pianist