International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


272 results found
Madison Choral Project: Octet from Elijah
video: Madison Choral Project: Octet from Elijah

The octet "For God Commanded Angels" from Felix Mendelssohn's Elijah. PerFormed as a part of "Celestial Spring" by the Madison Choral Project, May 18th, 2013 at Luther Memorial Church in Madison, Wisconsin. Albert Pinsonneault, Conductor.

Schronen - God has commanded all his angels
video: Schronen - God has Commanded all his Angels

God has Commanded all his Angels Ensembles VoCapella & LaCappella Conductor: Tristan Meister Music and photos by Alwin Michael Schronen Live Premiere: Nov 16th 2014 in Bad Homburg/Germany

Call Him Louder 1 & 2 - Felix Mendelssohn (Elijah)
video: Call Him Louder 1 & 2 - Felix Mendelssohn (Elijah)

#choral #creation #felixmendelssohn #Elijah Having set them up For a spectacular failure, Elijah mocks the priests: Perhaps Baal is so bored with their ministrations that he’s taken a brief intermission, or even a nap. With increasing anxiety, the pr...  more

Ensemble Cantalon performing "Elijah Rock"
video: Ensemble Cantalon perForming "Elijah Rock"

Young Swiss Vocal Ensemble Cantalon perForming "Elijah Rock" (excerpt) by American composer Moses Hogan (1957-2003). Ensemble Cantalon directed by Philipp Schmidlin: Laura Bastian, Alexandra Behrndt, Seraina Berger, Mirjam Schreiber, Seraina Vonmont, ...  more

Mendelssohn: But the Lord from Elijah, performed by the Mendelssohn Singers
video: Mendelssohn: But the Lord from Elijah, perFormed by the Mendelssohn Singers

Mendelssohn: But the Lord from Elijah. Mendelssohn Singers conducted by Brett Kostrzewski. James Bourne, piano. Michael Bloss, organ. PerFormed at the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir's Symposium concert on January 26, 2013 at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church. T...  more

Ben Davis Purple-Aires - Elijah Rock
video: Ben Davis Purple-Aires - Elijah Rock

Ben Davis Purple-Aires concert choir singing Elijah Rock by Moses Hogan Sorry about the video quality-it was a digital camera.

Sing Joyfully
video: Sing Joyfully

Sing joyfully to God our strength; sing loud unto the God of Jacob! Take the song, bring Forth the timbrel, the pleasant harp, and the viol. Blow the trumpet in the new moon, even in the time appointed, and at our feast day. ...  more

Coro da Camera "Vox Harmòniae" - Elijah Rock - Moses Hogan
video: Coro da Camera "Vox Harmòniae" - Elijah Rock - Moses Hogan

Concerto Polifonico - Chiesa Concattedrale del SS. Salvatore, Messina, 26/12/2011

Via Vitae: Elijah Rock (Moses Hogan)
video: Via Vitae: Elijah Rock (Moses Hogan)

Grim kirke 2. febr 2013 Conductor: Lars Kristian D. Håkestad

video: Angels

For our first "live" video, the TWMVC is excited to virtually perForm Robbie Williams' classic ballad "Angels." The track is from our latest CD, "Yma O Hyd," and is also downloadable individually. Both options are available on our website,