83 results found
Jordan's Angels
Highbridge Voices performs Rollo Dillworth's piece, Jordan's Angels. Mary Clementi, conductor, Devon Joiner, pianist
For our first "live" video, the TWMVC is excited to virtually perform Robbie Williams' classic ballad "Angels."
The track is from our latest CD, "Yma O Hyd," and is also downloadable individually. Both options are available on our website,
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
Provided to YouTube by Awal Digital Ltd
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing · The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square · Orchestra at Temple Square · Gabriel Trumpet Ensemble
Angels Among Us
℗ Intellectual Reserve
Released on: 2019-10-18
Composer Ly... moreProvided to YouTube by Awal Digital Ltd
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing · The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square · Orchestra at Temple Square · Gabriel Trumpet Ensemble
Angels Among Us
℗ Intellectual Reserve
Released on: 2019-10-18
Composer Lyricist: Charles Wesley
Composer: Felix Mendelssohn
Arranger: Mack Wilberg
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Fa mi cantar l'amor di la Beata
Jordan Vladev and Ave Musica Choir: "Fa mi cantar l'amor di la Beata" - химн от 12 век,
Аранжимент и солист - Jordan Vladev.
Диригент: Таня Никлева-Владева
С участието на:
Hristo Anastasov - китара
Konstantin Tomov - цигулка
... moreJordan Vladev and Ave Musica Choir: "Fa mi cantar l'amor di la Beata" - химн от 12 век,
Аранжимент и солист - Jordan Vladev.
Диригент: Таня Никлева-Владева
С участието на:
Hristo Anastasov - китара
Konstantin Tomov - цигулка
Mihail Galev - глокеншпил
Tania Nikleva-Vladeva - флейта
Видеозапис от концерта "Полунощ, камбани бият...", състоял се на 11.12.2013 г. в католическата катедрала "Св. Йосиф" в София.
Участват: Irina Georgieva Desislava Naidenova Gergana Milanova Vania Jecheva Margarita Marinova Lidia Slavova Ljubomir Angelov Julian Lyubomirov Sobadjiev Mario Giovanni Salvatore Sarkis Artinyan Paolito Paolitov Hristofor Pamyatnih less
Dozan Wa Awtar
*** Dozan wa Awtar Singers ***
Formed in 2008, Dozan wa Awtar Singers is the leading secular choir in Jordan, with a diverse membership and repertoire. We welcome people of all nationalities and faiths, who want to experience the joy of singing and ex... more*** Dozan wa Awtar Singers ***
Formed in 2008, Dozan wa Awtar Singers is the leading secular choir in Jordan, with a diverse membership and repertoire. We welcome people of all nationalities and faiths, who want to experience the joy of singing and exploring music as a way of building community based on love and respect. The choir performs several major concerts each year; its Christmas and Spring concerts in Amman are highly anticipated events.
Dozan wa Awtar’s repertoire includes a wide range of sacred music, from Byzantine hymns through the chorale classics of Western music to the present day and Islamic anasheed. The choir also enjoys performing secular music, including folk songs from around the world, Broadway hits and arrangements of popular, contemporary music in many languages. A sub-group of the choir, called “Dozan,” is specializing in performing traditional and contemporary music in Arabic. Some of Dozan wa Awtar’s original arrangements – such as a fusion of the Muslim call to prayer (athan) ... less
Schronen - God has commanded all his Angels
God has commanded all his Angels
Ensembles VoCapella & LaCappella
Conductor: Tristan Meister
Music and photos by Alwin Michael Schronen
Live Premiere: Nov 16th 2014 in Bad Homburg/Germany
From our Destination Broadway Concert May 26th 2012.
River Jordan - from The Civil War - Arranged by Mark Brymer
Soloist - Jeffrey Montano