International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


179 results found
Litany to the Holy Spirit performed by the Johannebergs Vokalensemble
video: Litany to the Holy Spirit performed by the Johannebergs Vokalensemble

Litany to the Holy Spirit is my setting of the whole of Robert Herrick's poem by that name (as opposed to other well-known settings which only use a few verses). the whole poem deserves to be set in its entirety since the full story can be told and He...  more

Tim Knight -Litany to the Holy Spirit
video: Tim Knight -Litany to the Holy Spirit

A recording of this new version of these fine words

Litany to the Holy Spirit Robert Herrick complete setting for mixed Choir
video: Litany to the Holy Spirit Robert Herrick complete setting for mixed Choir

Poem by Robert Herrick Music by David W Solomons All parts sung by Matthew Curtis - [Note: many composers - including Kathryn Rose, Peter Hurford, Colin Brumby and Tim Knight - have set a few verses from this poem...  more

O Holy Spirit.wmv
video: O Holy Spirit.wmv

"O Holy Spirit", composed by local Ada composers Davison and Lupinski, was sung by the East Central University Chorale on April 19, 2010, at St Joseph Catholic Church in Ada, OK.

Create in me a clean heart
video: Create in me a clean heart

Music by Frank Pesci Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right Spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Give me the joy of your saving help again and sustain me with your bountiful Spirit...  more

His provision (Holy Spirit) - Ivor Bosanko
video: His provision (Holy Spirit) - Ivor Bosanko

A song in honor of the Holy Spirit, performed by Elinor Vocal Ensemble Text: John Gowans Click here to subscribe: Follow Elinor: Facebook: Instagram:  more

L. Antonova, Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
video: L. Antonova, Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit

Performed by the Concert Boys Choir of the Konakovo Boys and Youth Choral School. Conductor - Natalia Makhnovskaya. St. Matthew Cathedral, Colmar, France 2010 ||| Испоняет Концертный хор мальчиков Хоровой школы мальчиков и юношей г. Конаково. Дирижёр - На...  more

Thomas Tallis: O Lord, give thy holy Spirit into our hearts, sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds
video: Thomas Tallis: O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit into our hearts, sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds

This was recorded during the lunchtime recital given by St Peter's Singers on 28th October 2009 at the lovely Basilica de Sant Francesc, Palma de Mallorca as part of the choir's concert tour of Mallorca. the conductor is Dr Simon Lindley, Music Director ...  more

Holy holy holy for solo cantor, unison choir and organ
video: Holy Holy Holy for solo cantor, unison choir and organ

On Christmas Eve morning 2017, I was approached by a member of our congregation who said he had been inspired by the Holy Ghost to write some words and that he would like me to set them to music. to begin with I wasn't sure, since they seemed somewhat re...  more

Sleep, Little Baby, Sleep
video: Sleep, Little Baby, Sleep

Sleep Little Baby, Sleep- Jake Runestad Based on “Holy Innocents” by Christina Rossetti Sleep, little baby, sleep; the Holy Angels love thee, And guard thy bed, and keep A blessed watch above thee. No Spirit can come near? Nor evil beas...  more