Malaika, nakupenda Malaika, Malaika, nakupenda Malaika, Nami nifanyeje, kijana mwenzio, nashindwa na mali sina, we, ningekuoa Malaika, nashindwa na mali sina, we, ningekuoa Malaika, Pesa, zasumbua roho yangu, Pesa, zasumbua roho yangu, ningekuoa... more
In Swahili. Disputed authorship. Could be Kenyan. Probably Tanzanian folk song with added words written in 1940s with extra verses added in late 1950s. Made famous by Miriam Makeba in early 1960s. The young man sings: "Angel, I love you. What should I ... more
Choir Invisible (the real one!) sings for Archbishop Desmond Tutu as he arrived in the UK on July 11th 2008. The song, 'Malaika' is in Swahili (My Angel). Film clip is at the moment of arrival, before the concert which took place in the King's Hall, Stoke-on-Trent.