La canzone del Gen Verde, preferita di Laura che ricorda sempre le esecuzioni del coro giovanile di Cappella Maggiore. Eseguito nella Chiesa di Meschio (Vittorio Veneto) il 19.5.2012 dal Coro parrocchiale di Anzano (Cappella Maggiore, Treviso)
Video presentation and commemorative of the first two projects: "El Cor canta: Rutter-Guinovart" "El Cor canta Poesía Catalana" Realization: Llorenç Oliveras
"alma Redemptoris Mater" by Carson Cooman Saturday, December 3, 2016 Mayslake Peabody Estate, Oak Brook, IL
Chicagoland Voices performs at the Festival of the Voice. Amor de Mi alma By Z. Randall Stroope Directed by Jason Krigas Accompanied by Kathryn Polyack
El Cor canta is an amateur choir formed by 150 singers, directed by Elisenda Carrasco and Eva Martínez. This choral group comes from the experience of the first months of 2018, with the project 'canta amb l'OBC' organized by the L'Auditori of Barcelona, w... more
alma redemptoris mater Cecilia McDowall (1951-) Trinity Church, NYC Downtown Voices ( Stephen Sands, conductor ( Latin Lyrics alma Redemptoris Mater, quae pervia caeli Porta manes, et stella maris... more
canta EN PRIMAVERA – Sing in Spring! After the outstanding success of the event “canta al mar” in Calella (Catalonia) we would like to invite you today to join in our next event in Spain. This new INTERKULTUR Festival welcomes inte...
alma Llanera Conducted by Maria Guinand Performed by Amazonia Vocal Ensemble and the FIU Choral Ensembles at the Herbert and Nicole Wertheim PerforMing Arts Center Concert Hall March 2016
Zenobia Consort, Director Rupert Damerell. alma Redemptoris Mater de Tomás Luis de Victoria. Concierto 16 de Marzo de 2014 en la Parroquia Santa María, Madrid.
May 11, 2013 Accompanist: Steven Webb