International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


455 results found
Feel the love of the Lord
video: Feel the love of the Lord

Feel the love of the Lord See His love everywhere It's in our hearts in all we do His love is like a burning star It mends our hearts and gives us peace His love is a gift to you Your Son came to us And he showed us how to love He taught u...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Feel the love of the Lord See His love everywhere It's in our hearts in all we do His love is like a burning star It mends our hearts and gives us peace His love is a gift to you Your Son came to us And he showed us how to love He taught us to care for each other To love people everywhere He gave his life so that we all could live Sing praise to the Son of God Give us the power of your love Let us serve you Lord our God Give us your strength and your wisdom To be disciples for all time Let us not forget your teaching Give love in the name of the Lord Feel the love of the Lord See His love everywhere I contacted Bill Sveglini through the "Composers’ forum" and he was very interested in My multivocal efforts. So I decided to have a go at performing some of his works.They are in a style that I’ve not sung for over 20 years (evangelical church choir), but the old fervour still comes out in the performance: I was transported back to those good old days as I sang. This piece i...    is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

Love Came Down at Christmas - Te Deum Chamber Choir
video: love Came Down at Christmas - Te Deum Chamber Choir Live performance, November 12, 2017 Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas love came down at Christmas, love all lovely, love divine; love was born at Christmas; star and angels gave the sign. Worship we the Godh...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;"> Live performance, November 12, 2017 Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas love came down at Christmas, love all lovely, love divine; love was born at Christmas; star and angels gave the sign. Worship we the Godhead, love incarnate, love divine; worship we our Jesus, but wherewith for sacred sign? love shall be our token, love be yours and love be mine; love to God and others, love for plea and gift and sign. -Christina Rossetti  

Love bade me welcome sung by Roundelay
video: love bade me welcome sung by Roundelay

love bade me welcome performed by Roundelay in Chester love bade me welcome; yet My soul drew back, Guilty of dust and sin. But quick-eyed love, observing me grow slack from My first entrance in, Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioni...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">love bade me welcome performed by Roundelay in Chester love bade me welcome; yet My soul drew back, Guilty of dust and sin. But quick-eyed love, observing me grow slack from My first entrance in, Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning If I lack’d anything. ‘A guest,’ I answer’d, ‘worthy to be here:’ love said, ‘You shall be he.’ ‘I, the unkind, ungrateful? Ah, My dear, I cannot look on Thee.’ love took My hand and smiling did reply, ‘Who made the eyes but I?’ ‘Truth, Lord; but I have marr’d them: let My shame Go where it doth deserve.’ ‘And know you not,’ says love, ‘Who bore the blame?’ ‘My dear, then I will serve.’ ‘You must sit down,’ says love, ‘and taste My meat.’ So I did sit and bade me welcome performed by Roundelay in Chester love bade me welcome; yet My soul drew back, Guilty of dust and sin. But quick-eyed love, observing me grow slack from My f...    is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

Aestas Vocis- "I Love My Love" by Holst
video: Aestas Vocis- "I love My love" by Holst

from our July 2012 concert, Sacred and Profound

G.T. Holst: I Love My Love
video: G.T. Holst: I love My love

G.T. Holst: I love My love The Waldorf Student Choir - Conductor: László Bencze Nancy: Réka Laczkó, the Boy: Áron Csutoros Written and Directed by László Bencze Director of Photography: Tamás Novinszki Editor: László Bencze Music recorded in the Lut...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">G.T. Holst: I love My love The Waldorf Student Choir - Conductor: László Bencze Nancy: Réka Laczkó, the Boy: Áron Csutoros Written and Directed by László Bencze Director of Photography: Tamás Novinszki Editor: László Bencze Music recorded in the Lutheran Church at Bécsi Kapu Square (Budapest) by Miklós Lengyelfi II. Original unaltered version. Special Thanks: Eszter Dániel, Szabolcs Csanicz, Bulcsú Bencze, Jurányi Art Incubator House, Independently Together (FÜGE) --------------------------------- I love My love [Cornish Folksong] by G. T. Holst Abroad as I was walking, one evening in the spring, I heard a maid in Bedlam so sweetly for to sing; Her chains she rattled with her hands, And thus replied she: "I love My love because I know My love loves me! O cruel were his parents who sent My love to sea, And cruel was the ship that bore My love from me; Yet I love his parents since they're his although They've ruined me: I love My love because I know My love loves me! With straw I'...    is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

Love Tattoo - Music Video
video: love Tattoo - Music Video

Buy love Tattoo on iTunes: Credits: Laura Burzacott, Carena Khoo, Jane Patterson, Emma Rule 'love Tattoo' written by Jane Patterson Track mixed by Andrew Zito at www.frontroomstud...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Buy love Tattoo on iTunes: Credits: Laura Burzacott, Carena Khoo, Jane Patterson, Emma Rule 'love Tattoo' written by Jane Patterson Track mixed by Andrew Zito at Directed and edited by Emily Doyle Hair and makeup by Marlene Olsson (, Georgia Single and Toyah Hoetzel Thanks to our extras! Ben Ausmus, Leanne Davey, Noel Davey, John Flanagan, Aubrey Flood, Ben Fumi, Ricky Fumi, Jacquelyn Marie Havner, Karen Ireson, Matthew Khoo, Michiyo Moriyama, Mike Pearn  is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

I Love My Love by G. Holst / CorISTAnbul Chamber Choir
video: I love My love by G. Holst / CorisTAnbul Chamber Choir

I love My love Arr. by G. Holst, Cornish Folksong CorisTAnbul Chamber Choir Dir.: Arda Ardaşes Agoşyan Lecture-Concert: "Stanford to Britten: A Musical Lineage" British Consulate-General istanbul Pera House / Ball Roo...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">I love My love Arr. by G. Holst, Cornish Folksong CorisTAnbul Chamber Choir Dir.: Arda Ardaşes Agoşyan Lecture-Concert: "Stanford to Britten: A Musical Lineage" British Consulate-General istanbul Pera House / Ball Room December 14, 2013  

I Love, Alas I Love Thee -- Thomas Morley -  The Stairwell Carollers, Ottawa.
video: I love, Alas I love Thee -- Thomas Morley - The Stairwell Carollers, Ottawa.

Ottawa choir, The Stairwell Carollers, perform "I love, Alas I love Thee" by Thomas Morley (1557 - 1602), an English composer, theorist, editor and organist of the Renaissance. Visit our blog or our website h...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Ottawa choir, The Stairwell Carollers, perform "I love, Alas I love Thee" by Thomas Morley (1557 - 1602), an English composer, theorist, editor and organist of the Renaissance. Visit our blog or our website for updates. Audio: Tom Barnes. Recorded at St. Barnabas Church, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 1st, 2013. Videographers: Valérie Auger-Voyer, Kevin Millington. Editing: Pierre Massie  

My love is far from here for 3 altos and guitar
video: My love is far from here for 3 altos and guitar

My love - a hypnotic and strangely yearning canon for three equal voices, with an ostinato guitar motif, composed and performed by David W Solomons (aka dwsChorale). My love is far from here I sense in My dreams that she's dreaming of me far off in...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">My love - a hypnotic and strangely yearning canon for three equal voices, with an ostinato guitar motif, composed and performed by David W Solomons (aka dwsChorale). My love is far from here I sense in My dreams that she's dreaming of me far off in that country dreaming that we shall once more sing our old song We'll sing in harmony longing for the day when harmony can soothe our sorrows and make us smile to think that harmony can soother our sorrows dreams far off.  

Wondrous Love performed by Aestas Vocis
video: Wondrous love performed by Aestas Vocis

Wondrous love, arranged by Alice Parker and Robert Shaw from our 2014 concert, No Such Beauty: Songs About Home love this? Subscribe to our channel and follow us on Twitter @aestasvocis and on