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Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
This short choral piece is in my collection The New Gloria Deo, Volume Two published by Augsburg Fortress. The pictures were taken by the C & O Canal near Harper's Ferry, WV.
The recording is the publisher's demo recording.
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (606) - Lowell Mason
At the FAll Concert with the Rosthern Junior College Choir and Saskatoon Youth Orchestra. This is a performance at the end of a weekend workshop where the students of both groups learn new music in a short amount of time.
Rosthern Junior College Choir ... moreAt the FAll Concert with the Rosthern Junior College Choir and Saskatoon Youth Orchestra. This is a performance at the end of a weekend workshop where the students of both groups learn new music in a short amount of time.
Rosthern Junior College Choir - directed by Richard Janzen
Saskatoon Youth Orchestra - directed by Richard Carnegie
Orchestra arrangement by Joseph Barlowe
TAllis Canon sung by 4 altos
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise Him All creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost
"ME NTUMI NKO" (Celestial City Choir - C.C.C GHANA) HIGHLIFE
Celestial City Choir urge All Children of God to Praise Him always. Share, Download and Praise God if U believe He Has reAlly done something in your life and ready to accept His Blessings.
This song is written and composed by Yaw Owusu Asiamah (Compose... moreCelestial City Choir urge All Children of God to Praise Him always. Share, Download and Praise God if U believe He Has reAlly done something in your life and ready to accept His Blessings.
This song is written and composed by Yaw Owusu Asiamah (Composer and Music Director for All Choral Music- Main Performing Choir is Celestial City Choir
Flow - Not Ready to Make Nice (Virtual Choir)
► Unsere neue CD: "Flow your mind"
Ab jetzt erhältlich unter:
► Flow
► Video-editing: Gábor Molnár
► Mix: Gábor Molnár
···································································... more► Unsere neue CD: "Flow your mind"
Ab jetzt erhältlich unter:
► Flow
► Video-editing: Gábor Molnár
► Mix: Gábor Molnár
Song: "Not Ready to Make Nice (Dixie Chicks, Arr. Oliver Gies)
Solo: Annka Meyer
Virtual Choir: Members of Flow
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The Praise Worshippers
the Praise Worshippers have their vision which is to worship God without getting tired along the way even if chAllenges do come but they hope for God’s guidance to enable them to be united until they reach the destination of their journey..."We do wo... morethe Praise Worshippers have their vision which is to worship God without getting tired along the way even if chAllenges do come but they hope for God’s guidance to enable them to be united until they reach the destination of their journey..."We do work with professional/growing artists as BACKING CHOIR OR VOCALISTs for studio sessions or during concerts. We do perform at any event like churches, festivals, gospel shows etc. You are free to book us"
Sie sind jung, sie singen gut und sie sind voll im Flow. Die ca. 30 Sängerinnen und Sänger im Alter zwischen 16 und 31 Jahren begeistern seit 2017 unter der Leitung von Luc Nelissen (u.A. Rock4) die Stadt Aachen, die Region und auch darüber hinaus d... moreFlow
Sie sind jung, sie singen gut und sie sind voll im Flow. Die ca. 30 Sängerinnen und Sänger im Alter zwischen 16 und 31 Jahren begeistern seit 2017 unter der Leitung von Luc Nelissen (u.A. Rock4) die Stadt Aachen, die Region und auch darüber hinaus die Menschen mit ihrem Gesang. Alles a cappella – Flow präsentiert sowohl ruhige Lieder als auch coole Beats.
Bereits gute zwei Jahre nach der Gründung, hat sich der Chor schon einen großen Namen gemacht. Auf Auftritte im Rahmenprogramm der Karlspreisverleihung 2017 oder der Chorbiennale im selben Jahr, folgte bald die Umsetzung eigener Projekte. So nahm Flow Ende 2017 eine erste EP mit fünf Songs auf und konnte 2018 ein eigens produziertes Musikvideo zu ihrer Version von February Song (im Original von Josh Groban) aufnehmen.
Der Chor der Musikschule Aachen sorgte zuletzt im Fernsehen für Furore, als der WDR Ende 2018 „den besten Chor im Westen“ suchte. Stimmgewaltig, voller Energie und Lebensfreude stürmten die Aachener ins Finale und überzeugten mit ihrem Ges... less
Count Your Blessings
Kirkintilloch Male Voice Choir from near Glasgow, Scotland sing Count Your Blessings at their 91st Annual Concert in Kirkintilloch April 2012
Total Praise Medley - New Genesis Gospel Chorale
A mixture of two gospel staples as a reminder that we should always give God Praise even throughout our trials.
Total Praise - OriginAlly by Richard SmAllwood
For Every Mountain - Kurt Carr
Edited by Fifaliana Rakotoarison
Mood of Christmas 2013; A 10th Time Success
10 years ago, when Yasmin Cader asked Soul Sounds to do a concert at the then Colombo Plaza, little did I know that 10 years later we would still be singing heralding the birth of Christ at the same venue... I thank god for the Blessings, and thank All in...