International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


205 results found
Gresley Male Voice Choir - Sound an Alarm
video: Gresley Male Voice Choir - Sound An Alarm

"Sound An Alarm", from HAndel's "Judas Maccabaeus", arrAnged Harold Noble. Performed by Gresley Male Voice Choir, Swadlincote, October 2016

blog: I Was Here I Was Here: Alarm WILL Sound (concert June 20, 7:00 pm)

A New Music Theater Work in Three Acts Kate Soper, ComposerNigel Maister, Director/LibrettistAlAn Pierson, Conductor with Alarm Will Sound   A 19th-century womAn sails down the Nile discovering beauty And brutality in equal mea...

Why Does Choral Music Sound So Good?
video: Why Does Choral Music Sound So Good?

An class="view_more">Choral music is currently going through a renaissAnce with hundreds of professional And amateur choirs singing all across the world. But what makes the Sound, And in particular the Sound of a professional group, so appealing? In this essay, I look at the ...  moreAn>An class="view_more" style="display:none;">Choral music is currently going through a renaissAnce with hundreds of professional And amateur choirs singing all across the world. But what makes the Sound, And in particular the Sound of a professional group, so appealing? In this essay, I look at the science behind the notes to find out why choral music Sounds so good. ▶ Support my chAnnel: ▶ Subscribe: ____________________ ▶ Website: ▶ Twitter: FURTHER READING Choral Phonetics - when vowels control the intonation [WolfgAng Saus]: CHOIRS FEATURED IN THIS VIDEO Tenebrae Choir: Voces8: Illuminare Choir: The Choir of Westminster Abbey: The Kingdom Choir: https://ki...    lessAn>

The Sound Of Silence
video: The Sound Of Silence

On Saturday 22nd March the choir gave a concert at Westbury on Trym Baptist Church. A select audience were given a well thought out programme including this piece, The Sound of Silence.

Stormy Weather
video: Stormy Weather

The Lost Sound A cappella mixed voice chorus at night of 1000 voices 2012 Exeter Devon

Miracle Sound in contest
video: Miracle Sound in contest

Miracle Sound in the chorus contest of the EuropeAn Barbershop Convention 2009, singing "It's Only A Paper Moon" And "If I Had My Way"

video: CROSSING Sound PROJECT "lullaby"

from the CD "Reflection" Crossing the Sound Project a song a cappella

Sound Choir Romania
group: Sound Choir RomAnia

An class="view_more">Sound Choir RomAnia gathers together young people in love with music who have turned their hobby into passion. Their conductor is Voicu Popescu And his art of harmonizing the choir’s voices turned them into very sensitive singers. Their strength lies in t...  moreAn>An class="view_more" style="display:none;">Sound Choir RomAnia gathers together young people in love with music who have turned their hobby into passion. Their conductor is Voicu Popescu And his art of harmonizing the choir’s voices turned them into very sensitive singers. Their strength lies in the power of the emotions they share with their listeners. With a very wide repertoire, including traditional RomAniAn songs, madrigals, gospels, byzAntine music And jazz, they enjoy every single minute of singing the music of the world. Enjoy your staying on our website.  lessAn>

Sound of Soul
group: Sound of Soul

An class="view_more">Sound of Soul Choir is An enthusiastic, friendly choir with a diverse repertoire rAnging from the Beatles And Michael Jackson, to Taio Cruz And Jessie J. Combining perfect harmonies, a love of singing And unique vocal arrAngements, Sound of Soul is re...  moreAn>An class="view_more" style="display:none;">Sound of Soul Choir is An enthusiastic, friendly choir with a diverse repertoire rAnging from the Beatles And Michael Jackson, to Taio Cruz And Jessie J. Combining perfect harmonies, a love of singing And unique vocal arrAngements, Sound of Soul is ready to set Bournemouth alight!!  An>

Coastal Sound Children's Choir
group: Coastal Sound Children's Choir

An class="view_more">Coastal Sound Children’s Choir DiAna Clark, artistic director Barry YamAnouchi, accompAnist Coastal Sound Children’s Choir aims to inspire each young singer to be their best–as musiciAns And as contributing engaged citizens–through choral singing...  moreAn>An class="view_more" style="display:none;">Coastal Sound Children’s Choir DiAna Clark, artistic director Barry YamAnouchi, accompAnist Coastal Sound Children’s Choir aims to inspire each young singer to be their best–as musiciAns And as contributing engaged citizens–through choral singing. Under the direction of DiAna Clark since 2009, Children’s Choir consists of caring young musiciAns from diverse cultural heritages, ages 9-15 years old. Storytelling, joy of singing, connection And flexibility of performAnce are the core values of this group. The choir also loves to work with guest conductors And share with other choirs. They have recently been guest singers with VAncouver Chamber Choir. Since 1989, when Donna Otto founded the group, Coastal Sound Children’s Choir has performed at importAnt cultural events in Greater VAncouver And Whistler, has toured extensively throughout the world, And has co-hosted the Coastal Sound International Choral Festival.  lessAn>