International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


459 results found
Te Quiero(I Love You)我愛你 - Alberto Favero
video: Te Quiero(I Love You)我愛你 - Alberto Favero

此曲原由阿根廷的流行音樂作曲家法飛洛(A. Favero),根據烏拉圭著名詩人班奈戴提(M. Benedetti)所寫的情詩而作,由康吉安諾(L. Cangiano)改編寫成無伴奏混聲合唱曲,以厚實多變的和聲表現歌詞中深情呼喚至愛的誠摯情感。 我愛你,你是我的至愛,我的密友,我的一切。 當我們手挽著手走過每一條路, 我們就像同一個人一樣的心靈契合; 當你的眼睛凝望著我,整天的鬱悶都將一掃而空。 我愛你,你的身影是我向未來前進的力量。 你的手撫慰了我的心,我每天的思緒, 讓世界上的一切都能...  more


Te Quiero. Poesía de Mario Benedetti y A. Fabero. Arreglo de Liliana Cangiano Octubre 2008

Te quiero - Mario Benedetti - Alberto Favero - Escolanía María Auxiliadora - EMA Cadiz
video: Te quiero - Mario Benedetti - Alberto Favero - Escolanía María Auxiliadora - EMA Cadiz Poema: Mario Benedetti. Música: Alberto Favero Si Te quiero es porque sos mi amor mi cómplice y todo y en la calle, codo a codo, somos mucho más que dos. Tus manos son mi caricia, mis acordes cotidianos, Te quiero porq...  more

TE QUIERO (Mario Benedetti) - Coro COMPACTO - Festival Coral de Santander
video: Te QUIERO (Mario Benedetti) - Coro COMPACTO - Festival Coral de Santander

Te QUIERO (Mario Benedetti) (Arreglo Liliana Cangiano) Coro COMPACTO - Festival Coral de Santander

Feel the love of the Lord
video: Feel the Love of the Lord

Feel the Love of the Lord See His Love everywhere It's in our hearts in all we do His Love is like a burning star It mends our hearts and gives us peace His Love is a gift to You Your Son came to us And he showed us how to Love He taught u...  more

Love Came Down at Christmas - Te Deum Chamber Choir
video: Love Came Down at Christmas - Te Deum Chamber Choir Live performance, November 12, 2017 Village PresbyTerian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas Love came down at Christmas, Love all Lovely, Love divine; Love was born at Christmas; star and angels gave the sign. Worship we the Godh...  more

Love bade me welcome sung by Roundelay
video: Love bade me welcome sung by Roundelay

Love bade me welcome performed by Roundelay in ChesTer Love bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back, Guilty of dust and sin. But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slack From my first entrance in, Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioni...  more

Aestas Vocis- "I Love My Love" by Holst
video: Aestas Vocis- "I Love My Love" by Holst

from our July 2012 concert, Sacred and Profound

G.T. Holst: I Love My Love
video: G.T. Holst: I Love My Love

G.T. Holst: I Love My Love The Waldorf Student Choir - Conductor: László Bencze Nancy: Réka Laczkó, the Boy: Áron Csutoros WritTen and DirecTed by László Bencze Director of Photography: Tamás Novinszki Editor: László Bencze Music recorded in the Lut...  more

Love Tattoo - Music Video
video: Love Tattoo - Music Video

Buy Love Tattoo on iTunes: Credits: Laura Burzacott, Carena Khoo, Jane PatTerson, Emma Rule 'Love Tattoo' writTen by Jane PatTerson Track mixed by Andrew Zito at www.frontroomstud...  more