539 results found
i thank You God for most this amazing day - Eric Whitacre
i thank You God for most this amazing day - Eric Whitacre
Performed by the Abbeydale Singers on their 25th anniversary concert, at St. John's Church, Ranmoor, Sheffield, 16th July 2011.
See for more details.
Christmas day Is Come
"Christmas day is come, let us prepare for mirth
Which fills the heavens and earth at his amazing birth
And You, oh glorious star, that with new splendor brings
From the remotest parts three learned eastern kings
Cease You blessed angels, clamoro... this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">more"Christmas day is come, let us prepare for mirth
Which fills the heavens and earth at his amazing birth
And You, oh glorious star, that with new splendor brings
From the remotest parts three learned eastern kings
Cease You blessed angels, clamorous noise to make
Though midnight silence favors, shepherds are awake
And You, oh glorious star, that with new splendor brings
From the remotest parts three learned eastern kings
Gloria in excelsis deo...
Christmas is in glory, all torment past
What 'ere betide us now grant us the same at last
Through both Thy joYous angels in strife and hurry fly
With glory and hosanna they cry."
Set by Michael McGlynn of ANÚNA
Courtney Williams, soloist this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Sing Joyfully
Sing joyfully to
God our strength;
sing loud unto the
God of Jacob!
Take the song,
bring forth
the timbrel,
the pleasant harp,
and the viol.
Blow the trumpet
in the new moon,
even in the time
and at our
feast day.
... this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreSing joyfully to
God our strength;
sing loud unto the
God of Jacob!
Take the song,
bring forth
the timbrel,
the pleasant harp,
and the viol.
Blow the trumpet
in the new moon,
even in the time
and at our
feast day.
for this is a
statute for Israel,
and a law of the
God of Jacob.
(From Psalm 81)
Canterbury Voices amazing Grace
Canterbury Voices sing amazing Grace - a traditional American song arranged by Kirby Shaw. The soloists are Hannah Jacobi and Ellen Pearson
God Defend New Zealand by Ensemble Nobiles
Ensemble Nobiles presents
to celebrate
words: Thomas Bracken - 19th c.
music: John Joseph Woods - 1876
arr. and... this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">
Ensemble Nobiles presents
to celebrate
words: Thomas Bracken - 19th c.
music: John Joseph Woods - 1876
arr. and permission granted: David Hamilton - 2004
written for the National Male Choir of New Zealand
Te Ropu Waiata Tira Tane o Aotearoa
live recording: 5th February 2015, Leipzig/Germany
© Ensemble Nobiles 2015
We are looking forward to our NZ tour: 18th-26th March 2015
sponsored by: Goethe Institut + City of Leipzig
Nationalhymne Neuseelands zum Nationalfeiertag 'Waitangi day' 2015. this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
amazing Grace" (em português "Maravilhosa Graça", ou também conhecida como "Sublime Graça") é um hino cristão lançado em 1779, com sua letra escrita em 1772 pelo poeta inglês e clérigo anglicano John Newton -
[S... this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreamazing Grace" (em português "Maravilhosa Graça", ou também conhecida como "Sublime Graça") é um hino cristão lançado em 1779, com sua letra escrita em 1772 pelo poeta inglês e clérigo anglicano John Newton -
[S] Carla Baptista;
[S] Maria Inês Baptista;
[T] Rita Pardão; Margarida Cruz; David Baptista;
[A] Bárbara Castro; Carlota Mões
[B] Pedro Baptista; Guilherme Oliveira
Piano - Miguel Oliveira
Words and Music by John Newton, Chris Tomlin, and Louie Giglio
Music Arranged by Keith McKay Evans
Film Credits:
Directed by: Carla Baptista
Cinematography and Editing by: Manuel Capela
Recorded and mixed by Recording Studio: Paulo Lima
Filmed on: VISEU - Igreja Coração de Jesus, salão polivalente
CONTIGO - Coro Infantojuvenil de Torredeita / Viseu
Carla Baptista, Artistic Director
Pedro Baptista, Assistant Artistic Director this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
amazing Grace - ANZAC day tribute (Trumpet and Virtual Choir) - Melbourne Online Philharmonic
Performed by Paul Brand and the Melbourne Online Philharmonic Choir
Trumpet: Paul Brand
Soprano: Jesika Clark, Hannah Pilkington, Justine Schaefer
Alto: Marja Barisic, Angela Marcato
Tenor: Sam Daffy Dave Floyd
Bass: Nick Grant Chris Hayward
Arran... this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">morePerformed by Paul Brand and the Melbourne Online Philharmonic Choir
Trumpet: Paul Brand
Soprano: Jesika Clark, Hannah Pilkington, Justine Schaefer
Alto: Marja Barisic, Angela Marcato
Tenor: Sam Daffy Dave Floyd
Bass: Nick Grant Chris Hayward
Arranged by Paul Brand
Audio Production by Hew Wagner
Video Editing by Paul Brand & Hew Wagner