International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


2,616 results found
"Love Africa" - Chór "Razzle Dazzle" śpiewa utwory z Namibii!
video: "Love Africa" - Chór "Razzle Dazzle" śpiewa utwory z Namibii!

Koncert chóru "Razzle Dazzle", podczas którego zaprezentowaliśmy repertuar z najdalszych, muzycznych zakątków świata odbył się 29 czerwca 2019 w Szkole Muzycznej I i II st. im. Zygmunta Noskowskiego w Gdyni. Zaśpiewaliśmy kilka utworów namibijskich ...  more

Harmony Youth Chorale
group: Harmony Youth Chorale

This vibrant choir with friendly and outgoing choristers has existed since 2005. We have won multiple awards and enjoy singing!

World Youth Choir in South Africa
video: World Youth Choir in South Africa

News feature from the 2007 World Youth Choir tour in South Africa and Namibia

Kaki Lambe - Shumayela
video: Kaki Lambe - Shumayela

Shumayela, under the direction of Kimberley Denis, performs "Kaki Lambe," a traditional piece from Senegal, arranged by Brian Tate. With guests Nelson Nagenda (Cape Town Chamber Choir, South Africa) and Theodore Cookson (Mascato Youth Choir, Namibia). For...  more

''Wildsbok'' (Psalm 42) by World Youth Choir 2007 in South Africa
video: ''Wildsbok'' (Psalm 42) by World Youth Choir 2007 in South Africa

The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights on this recording. Performer: World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia Piece:''Wildsb...  more

''Thula Sizwe'' African prayer by World Youth Choir in South Africa 2007
video: ''Thula Sizwe'' African prayer by World Youth Choir in South Africa 2007

© The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording. Performer: World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia Piece: ''Thul...  more

J.Brahms 'Fest und Gedenksprüche, Op.109' by World Youth Choir @ Pretoria UniHall, South Africa 2007
video: J.Brahms 'Fest und Gedenksprüche, Op.109' by World Youth Choir @ Pretoria UniHall, South Africa 2007

The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording. Performer: World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia Composer: Johan...  more

J.Brahms 'Fest und Gedenksprüche'' Op.109 by World Youth Choir @ Pretoria UniHall, South Africa 2007
video: J.Brahms 'Fest und Gedenksprüche'' Op.109 by World Youth Choir @ Pretoria UniHall, South Africa 2007

© The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording. Performer: World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia Composer: Johan...  more

J.Brahms 'Fest und Gedenksprüche, Op.109' by World Youth Choir @ Pretoria UniHall, South Africa 2007
video: J.Brahms 'Fest und Gedenksprüche, Op.109' by World Youth Choir @ Pretoria UniHall, South Africa 2007

The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording. Performer: World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia Composer: Johan...  more

blog: Give new music a chance!

As a music publisher we obviously publish new music! - the very word 'New' which might also mean that the composer has not been heard of before, seems to put a barrier up in many peoples minds. Of course, every piece of music that exists was new on...