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"Love Africa" - Chór "Razzle Dazzle" śpiewa utwory z Namibii!
Koncert chóru "Razzle Dazzle", podczas którego zaprezentowaliśmy repertuar z najdalszych, muzycznych zakątków świata odbył się 29 czerwca 2019 w Szkole Muzycznej I i II st. im. Zygmunta Noskowskiego w Gdyni. Zaśpiewaliśmy kilka utworów namibijskich ... moreKoncert chóru "Razzle Dazzle", podczas którego zaprezentowaliśmy repertuar z najdalszych, muzycznych zakątków świata odbył się 29 czerwca 2019 w Szkole Muzycznej I i II st. im. Zygmunta Noskowskiego w Gdyni. Zaśpiewaliśmy kilka utworów namibijskich - tradycyjnych i współczesnych - które "Razzle Dazzle" śpiewa jako jedyny chór w Polsce!
Na nagraniu usłyszycie:
"Teleza pina" oraz "Mutahe Lutobina" Gideon Sifuba - muzyka z Namibii,
"Dantani" muzyka: Engelhardt Unaeb - pieśń namibijska,
"Sipiri" pieśń namibijska w języku Damara/Nama.
Dyryguje Zuzanna Popiołkiewicz.
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Harmony Youth Chorale
This vibrant choir with friendly and outgoing choristers has existed since 2005. We have won multiple awards and enjoy singing!
Kaki Lambe - Shumayela
Shumayela, under the direction of Kimberley Denis, performs "Kaki Lambe," a traditional piece from Senegal, arranged by Brian Tate. With guests Nelson Nagenda (Cape Town Chamber Choir, South Africa) and Theodore Cookson (Mascato Youth Choir, Namibia). For... moreShumayela, under the direction of Kimberley Denis, performs "Kaki Lambe," a traditional piece from Senegal, arranged by Brian Tate. With guests Nelson Nagenda (Cape Town Chamber Choir, South Africa) and Theodore Cookson (Mascato Youth Choir, Namibia). For more information on the Kokopelli Choir Association, visit
''Wildsbok'' (Psalm 42) by World Youth Choir 2007 in South Africa
The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved
Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights on this recording.
World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Piece:''Wildsb... moreThe Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved
Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights on this recording.
World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Piece:''Wildsbok'' Psalm 42
Composer: Renette Bouwer, conductor, South Africa
Conductor: Sidumo Jacobs, South Africa
Recorded at the University of Pretoria concert hall
The World Youth Choir session 2007 was held in South Africa and Namibia thanks to the cooperation between the Foundation World Youth Choir and the Jeunesses musicales South Africa and Potchefstroom University, Mr. Peet Ryke less
''Thula Sizwe'' African prayer by World Youth Choir in South Africa 2007
© The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording.
World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Piece: ''Thul... more© The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording.
World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Piece: ''Thula Sizwe'' African prayer
Soloists: Nathaniel Adams, USA; Pedro Sequera, Venezuela; Khaile Olifant (†), South Africa and Kota Asayama, Japan.
Conductor: Sidumo Jacobs, South Africa
Recorded at the University of Pretoria concert hall
The World Youth Choir session 2007 was held in South Africa and Namibia thanks to the cooperation between the Foundation World Youth Choir and the Jeunesses musicales South Africa and Potchefstroom University, Mr. Peet Ryke less
J.Brahms 'Fest und Gedenksprüche, Op.109' by World Youth Choir @ Pretoria UniHall, South Africa 2007
The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording.
World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Composer: Johan... moreThe Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording.
World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Composer: Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Piece: Fest und Gedenksprüche, Op. 109, Three motets for eight voices (SATBSATB)
Movement: No.2 ''Wenn ein starker Gewappneter''
Conductor: Peter Dijkstra, The Netherlands (former World Youth Choir singer)
Recorded at the University of Pretoria concert hall
Wenn ein starker Gewappneter seinen Palast bewahret,
so bleibet das Seine mit Frieden.
Aber, ein jeglich Reich, so es mit ihm selbst uneins wird,
das wird wüste; und ein Haus fället über das andere.
The World Youth Choir session 2007 was held in South Africa and Namibia thanks to the cooperation between the Foundation World Youth Choir and the Jeunesses musicales South Africa and the Potchefstroom University, Mr. Peet Ryke. less
J.Brahms 'Fest und Gedenksprüche'' Op.109 by World Youth Choir @ Pretoria UniHall, South Africa 2007
© The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording.
Performer: World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Composer: Johan... more© The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording.
Performer: World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Composer: Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Piece: Fest und Gedenksprüche, Op. 109, Three motets for eight voices (SATBSATB)
Movement: No.3 ''Wo ist ein so herrlich Volk''
Conductor: Peter Dijkstra, The Netherlands (former World Youth Choir singer)
Recorded at the University of Pretoria concert hall
Wo ist ein so herrlich Volk, zu dem Götter also nahe sich tun als der Herr,
unser Gott, so oft wir ihn anrufen.
Hüte dich nur und bewahre deine Seele wohl,
dass du nicht vergessest der Geschichten, die deinen Augen gesehen haben,
und dass sie nicht aus deinem Herzen kommen alle dein Leben lang,
Und sollst deinen Kindern und Kindeskindern kundtun.
(5.Mose 4,7,9)
The World Youth Choir session 2007 was held in South Africa and Namibia thanks to the cooperat... less
J.Brahms 'Fest und Gedenksprüche, Op.109' by World Youth Choir @ Pretoria UniHall, South Africa 2007
The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording.
World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Composer: Johan... moreThe Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect the rights to this recording.
World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Composer: Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Piece: Fest und Gedenksprüche, Op. 109, Three motets for eight voices (SATBSATB)
Movement: No.1 ''Unsere Väter hofften auf dich''
Conductor: Peter Dijkstra, The Netherlands (former World Youth Choir singer)
Recorded at the University of Pretoria concert hall
Unsere Väter hofften auf dich; und da sie hofften, halfst du ihnen aus.
Zu dir schrieen sie und wurden errettet; sie hofften auf dich
und wurden nicht zu Schanden.
Der Herr wird seinem Volk Kraft geben,
der Herr wird sein Volk segnen mit Frieden.
(Psalm 22 vv. 5-6; Psalm 29 v. 11)
The World Youth Choir session 2007 was held in South Africa and Namibia thanks to the cooperation between the Foundation World Youth Choir and the Jeunesses musicales South Africa and th... less
Give new music a chance!
As a music publisher we obviously publish new music! - the very word 'New' which might also mean that the composer has not been heard of before, seems to put a barrier up in many peoples minds.
Of course, every piece of music that exists was new on...