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Choir Rodna
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Conductor, Arranger, Composer, Administration, Marketing
About Me
Mixed choir “Rodna pesen” (Native song) (belonging to municipality of Burgas) is an heir of rich choral traditions, whose roots we can find in the very beginning of the last century. Its apostolic activity throughout the years has become an irreplaceable school for educating and incorporating the audience into the global artistic values. Generations of amateurs and future professionals who have dedicated their lives to music are formed thanks to the choir’s activity.
A new page in the history of choral art in Burgas was written in 1962, when the vocal powers of the city are united in a single formation, laying the foundations of Representative Choir “Native Song” to the Municipality of Burgas. This beginning is associated with the name of Stoyan KRALEV – a choir-master, pedagogue and a public figure, who leads the members of the choir to the top with a lot of hard work, inspiration and patience.
Rodna pesen’s renewed appearance expressing true professionalism is revealed with the choir’s first concert in April 1963. Only two years later, “Rodna pesen” conquers the prestigious stages of Poland, Russia, Hungary, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland’s capitals and major cities.
Since the early 90s the choir has been conducted consecutively by the following conductors: Penka Mihailova, Nikolai Merdzhanov, Rosalina Kotzeva, Todorka Bineva and – since 2011 – Levon Manukyan. Each conductor has left a mark from their own creative style, complementing the choir’s sonority. Rodna pesen continues to conquer the summits of the choral art, win prestigious awards and make a conquest of the audience’s hearts.
One of the ways in which the choir expands its repertoire is by introducing Church-Slavonic music, which is met with huge success during concerts, tours and festivals in Poland, Germany, France and Switzerland. One of the most memorable performances is the one of Mozart’s Requiem in the Roman Basilica “San Giovanni in Laterano” where the choir’s soloist is the great opera singer Katia Ricciarelli. Next for the choir come participations in major choral events for sacred music in Italy, Germany, Greece, Serbia, Macedonia and Croatia.
The last few years rodna pesen’s repertoire has been extended with new genres of popular music. Under the leadership of Levon Manukyan, the members of the choir take part in numerous artistic experiments, combining choral singing with symphonic and electronic music and classical traditions with rock and metal sounds. This opens many doors for the choir and attracts audience with different taste in music. A living proof for this statement is the fact that many young people decide to join the choral community. Their power and enthusiasm help the 50-year-history of the “Rodna Pesen” choir to be reserved and continued.

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