About Me
I am an empty nester who loves to sing. I am currently enjoying singing 4 part women's barbershop music in a chorus and quartet.
2 members
The Sound of Sunshine Show Chorus (SOS for short) is Central Florida’s chapter of Sweet Adelines International, located in Orlando, FL. Our members come from many surrounding counties just to sing with our award winning chorus, and enjoy the special camar... moreThe Sound of Sunshine Show Chorus (SOS for short) is Central Florida’s chapter of Sweet Adelines International, located in Orlando, FL. Our members come from many surrounding counties just to sing with our award winning chorus, and enjoy the special camaraderie that we share.A Truly American Artform
Barbershop harmony is music.
It's music in a very pure form created with nothing but human voices coming together to create a rich and satisfying texture that is pleasing to the ears and invigorating to the soul. Whether you're an experienced musician or a brand new musician, barbershop levels the playing field and allows you to find your voice and be a part of creating something that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Barbershop harmony is Sorority.
Women from all over the world and from all walks of life and all ages can come together and share in this truly American artform and find common ground through self expression in song. The friendships forged through barbershop harmony bridge gaps that no other h... less
SgoodBARI has just signed up.
November 11, 2018

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