Personal Information
First Name
Tito Fiorenzo
Last Name
Musical Information
Musical Activities
Singer, Conductor, Arranger, Composer, Voice Teacher
About Me
Tito Fiorenzo Benetti - Ever since he was young he studied piano, organ and singing, and then enrolled at the Conservatory of Music, achieving the diploma in Choral Music and Choir Conducting and become even him Teacher of Music.
Since the '70s, actively participates in the various liturgies of the year at the church of his country, first as a solo singer, then playing the organ. Then he assumes the Artistic Director of the Choir of Bressanvido, with which performs a liturgical repertoire, classical-sacred and profane Renaissance (vocal and instrumental). After several years, in 1989 he left the Artistic Direction of the Coro Polifonico di Bressanvido.
To desire to Don Walter De Maria, in 1984 he founded the "Coro e Orchestra dei Carmini" of Vicenza, and assume its Artistic Director, a position he will retain until the end of 2013. With this magnificent group, it supports the liturgical service in the highlights the liturgy of the year and the Group annually produces concerts, inviting prestigious groups and outstanding soloists.
In the years '89 / '90, worked with the theater company “La Piccionaia” as a vocal coach in the Commedia dell’Arte “La guerra dei Sessi”, written by Armando Carrara and Roberto Cuppone, music by Mo. Fiorenzo Carpi under the direction Mo. Ferruccio Soleri. Later, it will still be the Mo. Benetti preparing the voices of the actors / singers and writing himself the music for the hilarious Commedia dell'Arte, "La buffa beffa del beffardo beffato", written and directed by the great actor-director Armando Carrara (La Piccionaia). For some years, in the role of vocal coach, he directs il Coro Polifonico, born at the "Centro Culturale “Ossidiana” di Vicenza.
In the double role of conductor / singer, with a madrigal group, made up of talented singers (then semi-professionals), participates in the construction of a magnificent stage version of Music Opera “La Barca di Venetia per Padova” of Italian composer Adriano Banchieri, Commedia dell'Arte written and directed by the great actor-director Roberto Cuppone (Italy, France).
His wealth of experience is enriched by hand by hand, with lectures and courses of specialization is singing, for choir director, promoted by various organizations and associations (ex. ASAC), in Italy and in other countries, with talented teachers, both Italian and foreign, such as: Bepi De Marzi, Stive Woodboury, Adone Zecchi, Terenzio Zardini, Jassica Casch, Kees Boeke, Gary Graden.
Tito Fiorenzo Benetti, directed much attention to teaching education: educator capable of voices, each singer captures the peculiarities, making out the personal qualities, without unnecessary straining that would then harmful to phonation and aesthetics of sound. bringing out the personal qualities, without unnecessary straining that would then harmful to phonation and aesthetics of sound.
As a Tenor, for five years singing in the beautiful "Cappella Musicale di Monte Berico" directed by Mo. R. Pitton. As Controtenore, for several years, it is part of the Insieme Vocale e Strumentale “L’Homme Armé” di Firenze Directed by Mo. Fabio Lombardo, participating in some recodings CD. Later it makes its contribution to the "Coro Città di Thiene" fondato dal Mo. Imer Barbieri, assuming later the artistic direction. As Countertenor, he has also collaborated with the Mo. Giovanni Acciai, Mo. Kees Boeke, Mo. Pierluigi Comparin, Mo. Carlo Rebeschini.
He has directed choirs, with male voices, voices of children and mixed-voice choirs, with concerts of classical music from different eras and with sacred music and profane, Gospel-Spiritual, "Songs of the Alpini" and Folk Song. In this connection should be mentioned the Choirs "La vose del Tésena", il "Coro Città di Thiene", il "Coro La Baita" di Vicenza (Choir founded by musicians brothers Antonio and Onorio Piazza), the “Coro e Orchestra dei Carmini” and the Coro della Radio di Stato a Vilnius (Lithuania).
Currently, the Mo. Benetti collaborates and he offers collaboration as, Director of Choir, Vocal Trainer - Vocal Coach and Singing Teacher.
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