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Annie Rimmer commented on Chris Rowbury's blog entry:
As for the blind chorister being able to respond to the conductor in the moment, well it’s quite complex Chris and mainframeguy. One of course has many rehearsals to follow and learn the conductor’s directions. One has friends who will quietly nudge... more
As for the blind chorister being able to respond to the conductor in the moment, well it’s quite complex Chris and mainframeguy. One of course has many rehearsals to follow and learn the conductor’s directions. One has friends who will quietly nudge or tap one to prepare for an entry from the conductor or such like. But as a blind person one attunes to people and situations differently. One can feel the music, sense the energy of choir, orchestra and conductor. One remains “listening” with all one’s senses at a very heightened level. I won’t profess to have been perfect by any means but I never made any big gaffs in five years.
Annie Rimmer commented on Chris Rowbury's blog entry: Thanks Chris for your reply. Have also responded privately more fully. Just think it is a shame that in order to promote your preferred kind of music and learning and singing that you made assumptions about my motivations and decisions. Maybe there is ... moreThanks Chris for your reply. Have also responded privately more fully. Just think it is a shame that in order to promote your preferred kind of music and learning and singing that you made assumptions about my motivations and decisions. Maybe there is room for us all to enjoy doing and doing well what we choose?

Annie Rimmer commented on Chris Rowbury's blog entry: HiChris
My name is Annie Rimmer, and you feature me in your article “singing is about listening not looking”. I feel moved to respond to offer some balance to your view.
I happened upon your article completely by accident whilst doing some research f... moreHiChris
My name is Annie Rimmer, and you feature me in your article “singing is about listening not looking”. I feel moved to respond to offer some balance to your view.
I happened upon your article completely by accident whilst doing some research for my blog. I felt rather shocked to see my words in print so much and, yes, a little gratified of course. However I too started to feel little angry at some of your assumptions, about me in particular.
You state with a sort of authority: “Once again someone has been led to believe that they have to have a written score (and be able to read it) in order to sing.
”. Well I haven’t been led to believe anything of the kind. I know of the existence of several choirs very local to me who do not rely on music at all and rely on learning by ear. I’ve been to listen to them. I’ve enjoyed them. I’ve been tempted to join. But for me, and I emphasize that this is my personal preference, the music I hear them singing is not the music I want to sing myself. It... less

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