2,082 results found
The Wartburg Choir
The internationally acclaimed Wartburg Choir performs sacred music from all historical periods and styles and often premieres new works of contemporary composers. Called a “mighty fortress of skill” by the Washington Post, the Wartburg Choir is one of thr... moreThe internationally acclaimed Wartburg Choir performs sacred music from all historical periods and styles and often premieres new works of contemporary composers. Called a “mighty fortress of skill” by the Washington Post, the Wartburg Choir is one of three college musical ensembles that tour internationally on a triennial basis. Beyond tours, the choir receives invitations for special appearances in the United States and abroad, most recently to participate in the December 2011 White House Holiday Concert Series. As part of that trip to Washington, D.C., the choir also sang at the National Cathedral’s Bethlehem Prayer Service, which was simulcast worldwide. In 2006, the choir performed with the Czech National Symphony Orchestra in Prague at the invitation of Maestro Paul Freeman, CNSO music director and chief conductor, who had attended Wartburg Choir concert at Orchestra Hall in Chicago.
During the past 20 years, the choir has appeared in such prestigious concert halls as the Kennedy Center in Washington, D... less
Lebanese International Choir Festival
Choir singing in Lebanon and the Arab countries has become more popular during the last years. New choirs are being implemented all around Lebanon: in schools, universities, and all kinds of governmental and non-governmental organizations. CHOIR NETWORKIN... moreChoir singing in Lebanon and the Arab countries has become more popular during the last years. New choirs are being implemented all around Lebanon: in schools, universities, and all kinds of governmental and non-governmental organizations. CHOIR NETWORKING is the next step to promote and develop choral singing internationally and in Lebanon and the Arab world. It is also the best way to share choir arrangements and encourage Lebanese composers to work for choirs.
Build a network between the Lebanese Choirs
Promote and develop Choir singing in Lebanon
Encourage Lebanese composers to write for choirs
Create links between Lebanese choirs and International Choir Organizations
Introduce the Arab Music to foreign choirs and International choir organizations less
CoroPop di Salerno
Il CoroPop di Salerno comincia la sua attività nel 2015 per iniziativa dell’Associazione Astronomia Corale che, nata nel medesimo anno, tiene unito lo stesso gruppo – coristi e maestro – il quale dal 2006 al 2014 ha condotto la meravigliosa esperienza del... moreIl CoroPop di Salerno comincia la sua attività nel 2015 per iniziativa dell’Associazione Astronomia Corale che, nata nel medesimo anno, tiene unito lo stesso gruppo – coristi e maestro – il quale dal 2006 al 2014 ha condotto la meravigliosa esperienza del Coro Pop dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno, formazione che ha raccolto unanimi consensi sul piano musicale locale e nazionale.
Sin dalla sua fondazione, il coro è diretto dal Maestro Ciro Caravano, noto al pubblico come uno dei cantanti, ma anche produttore, arrangiatore e direttore del gruppo vocale Neri per Caso nonché direttore musicale del cantante Mario Biondi.
Il gruppo esegue brani celebri di musica leggera italiana ed internazionale, appositamente rivisti e riarrangiati dallo stesso direttore, in chiave “a cappella” in modo da esaltarne l’originalità dei motivi e la ricchezza dell’armonia attraverso nuove chiavi di lettura e un pizzico di ironia, che è poi uno dei tratti distintivi di questa esuberante formazione musicale. Il CoroPop è composto ... less
Mixed Choir "Vox Animae"
“Vox Animae” had been founded in October 2007 as a part of the University of Split (Croatia), and since December 2011 it had been functioning independently. Due to its diligent and devoted work, with repertoire including pieces by Croatian and other autho... more“Vox Animae” had been founded in October 2007 as a part of the University of Split (Croatia), and since December 2011 it had been functioning independently. Due to its diligent and devoted work, with repertoire including pieces by Croatian and other authors spanning from the Renaissance to the 21st century, the choir reached high quality of interpretation, soon recognized by audience. After many successful performances in Split and the region, the choir started to participate in various national and international choral competitions, having achieved notable results. Thus, the short but interesting history of the choir includes:
- 3rd place at “Croatian Choral Assembly” in 2009 and 2011, and 1st place at this competition in 2010, 2012 and 2013;
- two silver certificates at international choral competition “Slovakia Cantat 2010”;
- awards won at the competition “Cro Patria” (3rd award of the jury in 2010 and 1st award of the audience in 2012);
- two silver medals at World Choir Championships held in Graz in Ju... less
You See TV Specials | UCT Choir Flashmobs
You See TV presents UCT Choir's flashmobs for Infecting The City ( public arts festival 2012 at the Cape Town Station and Golden Acres Shopping Mall.
Produced by Stephen Horn.
Exaltation! Gospel Choir
Exaltation! Gospel Choir is based in Essex, but occasionally strays beyond! Celebrating our tenth anniversary in 2013, the choir was formed in 2003 after director Jen and accompanist Jane were missing taking part in music, having left University. Starting... moreExaltation! Gospel Choir is based in Essex, but occasionally strays beyond! Celebrating our tenth anniversary in 2013, the choir was formed in 2003 after director Jen and accompanist Jane were missing taking part in music, having left University. Starting well, with about 15 members the choir has fluctuated in size, settling early on into a choir of 8. In 2010 however, the choir doubled in size and we are pleased that this core of almost 20 people has stuck!
Choir members range from 7 years old to 77! We are a sociable bunch with an emphasis on singing for fun. We don’t put people through an audition and being able to read music isn’t necessary. A good third of the choir don't read music. Being able to sing in tune is an advantage though!
We have performed at weddings and parties across Essex and Suffolk, for the Women's Institute, local churches, at fetes, town open nights and charity concerts at the Mercury, Headgate and Towngate theatres. We don't pay our Singers for performing - we do it for the love! ... less
Meet SingTrue: A New Free App To Help Perfect Your Pitch
Have you ever had to pause in the middle of a rehearsal because one of your Singers is out of tune?
Do you get frustrated when, no matter how many times you practice blending exercises and focus on listening to one another, there is still a voice...