A Review of The The UK Choir Festival As a complete newcomer to The UK Choir Festival, I was intrigued by what The Manchester event would deliver and how a room of 300 individuals could Feel included. The answer is simple: energy, and by The...
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From The Front of The Choir] “I love singing, but I haven’t sung for years and I really miss it.” So why haven’t you joined a choir or co...
'Peace is not something you wish for; it is something you make, something you do, something you are and something you give away' ~ John Lennon Solo: Charles Murage Song is available on The Album 'Spirit of Africa' #SetTheMusicFree www.kenyanboyschoir,com
TEDx TEDx was created in The Spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." The program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals The opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at The local level. BUMC C... more
Vox Grata Women's Choir is comprised of joyful women who, out of gratitude for The fullness of Their own lives, possess a desire to sing togeTher for The benefit of oThers. The group performs repertoire that expresses a uniquely feminine Spirit, especial... more
Musica is an un-auditioned, community choir. We sing Everything from Schubert to Gospel. We love to challenge ourselves and try new things. We come togeTher Every week because we LOVE to make music togeTher and we love The way singing makes us Feel :)
Helping you find your voice, sing from The heart and Feel good through meditation and singing. Relax, breaThe and sing simple, soulful songs, chants, mantras and sound meditations from around The world to uplift, relax, bring joy and nurture your...
We are a community choir taught mostly by ear. We do provide music for those who want it, but you are not required to audition or read music. All are welcome. We do a fun variety of world music, pop classics, and whatever else we Feel like. We do one perf... more
Salvacosta sing this Chilcott/Jennings masterpiece with such conviction and passion - you can Feel that They believe Every word! He is so small The stars bow down The fierce winds ease Their breath, And careful shepherds look upon The one unsullied bi... more
Cantu Spiritus means "singing Spirit" in Latin. We are a select group of choristers from The Santa Fe, NM area. Our repertoire includes chamber works from The late Medieval to The Modern Era with emphasis on The polyphonic works of The Renaissan... more