International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


323 results found
blog: VoxPopuli Virtual Choir: Global action for Peace

Aequalis Foundation and the International Choral Composition Competition (CICCAG) assisted by IFCM was join the celebration of World Choral Day(december 2018) that commemorated the Centennial of the Armistice of World War I. Singers from all over the wo...

blog: Surviving the end of the World

First Published: Notthechurchlady 'Have Organ Shoes will Travel' by Kelly Galbraith   Of course I’ll do it!’ I told maestro David Fallis. I remember the morning well, SunDay Dec 8, 2013 because it was the Day after Ca...

blog: Over-rehearsed or under-prepared: which is better?

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I don’t like rehearsing. I’d much rather turn up on the Day, trust the singers I’m working with and just busk it.      ...

blog: 10 choir website mistakes to avoid (or how to look professional online)

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I was trawling through a bunch of choir websites the other Day in order to send out some information about a workshop I’m running.     I ...

blog: Chorus Festival - Three-Day Workshop, 4 - 6 May at Southbank Centre

Immerse yourself in three Days of accessible and high quality music-making with one of the UK's finest music educators and be part of the Festival Finale Chorus Project, Home Is Where You Find Your Freedom - all for just £25!Having completed twenty ...

blog: ALBION - Gets into ALES!

And on National Albion Press Coverage Day, why not go the whole hog and read about Albion Ales in The Star, Sheffield too?   Follow the link and find out our exciting news - Ale and singing!   What an opportunity yo hit the right note!

FunkyVoices sing day Nov 2009 compiled clips
video: FunkyVoices sing Day Nov 2009 compiled clips

compiled clips of some of 2009 set list

blog: How much do you value your time and work?

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Once upon a time it was fairly easy to work out how much your labour was worth.     You would toil in the fields all Day and at the end ...

blog: Songs for our Mums

The Major Minors Children’s Choir have teamed up with their friends the Hutt Valley Singers to perform this special concert for Mother’s Day. The Children’s choir which is in its 4th year of singing is looking forward to performing its f...

blog: 10 reasons why your next singing workshop should be a residential one

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   There is something different and special about a residential learning experience.   photo by Martyn Gorman   A whole Day of singing i...