Nuevo vídeo que realizamos con el audio grabado en directo: "Ecce Virgo concipiet" de Cristóbal de Morales, perteneciente a "Mar Océana, relato y música de la primera vuelta al mundo", nuestro último programa estrenado el pasado 27 de junio en Espacio San... more
Solo baritone Timur BONDARCHUK Concert in Basilica di San Nicola in Bari, Italy at 19.05.2009
1st Reading rehearsal of You are the Light by Tom Fettke Quorista Choirmaster : Ronnie Abarquez
We are a group of around 60 men based in Hampshire/Surrey in UK and who love to sing. We aim principally to entertain our audiences and ourselves, to raise money for local charities and to have fun doing it.
Grupo Vocal Reyes Bartlet Sopranos: Cristo Velázquez, Cisca Corduwener, Beatriz Rodríguez Altos: Olivia Perera, Manuela Mira, Hilda Rodríguez Tenores: David Perera, Rayco González, José Híjar Bajos: Alfonso López, Julio Hernández José Híjar Polo, dir... more
43. International Choir Contest Tolosa, Spain. Certamen Coral de Tolosa.
Concerto Polifonico - Chiesa Concattedrale del SS. Salvatore, Messina, 26/12/2011
Sung by the Chamber Choir of Warwickshire Young Voices, written by David Iles. More information and score available from
Grim kirke 2. febr 2013 Conductor: Lars Kristian D. Håkestad