2,607 results found
Gombert: Media vita (Flos Campi)
"Media vita in morte sumus"
Nicolas Gombert (c. 1495-c. 1560)
Flos Campi
Vicente Chavarria, Artistic Director
Media Vita: Life & Death in The Franco-Flemish Renaissance
May 5, 2013 • St. Vincent Catholic Church, Los Angeles
Norges Ungdomskor - I Himmelen
Norges Ungdomskor (National Norwegian Youth Choir) - I Himmelen,
Music by Edward Grieg.
Baritone: Magnus Dorholt Kjeldal
Conducted by Tone Bianca Sparre Dahl
From The choir's performance at The G. Verdi conservatoire on August 1st, 2012 in Torino, I... moreNorges Ungdomskor (National Norwegian Youth Choir) - I Himmelen,
Music by Edward Grieg.
Baritone: Magnus Dorholt Kjeldal
Conducted by Tone Bianca Sparre Dahl
From The choir's performance at The G. Verdi conservatoire on August 1st, 2012 in Torino, Italy, as a part of The international triennial choral festival Europa Cantat.
The choir is a project funded and run by The Norwegian Youth choral assosiation UNG I KOR. It gaThers The elite of Young Norwegian singers between 16 and 26 twice each year, in order to let Them learn, grow and experience new things, and first and foremost: To sing advanced choir music!
(My apologies for The camera work.) less
Noctis Chamber Choir - The Seal Lullaby by Eric Whitacre
Noctis Chamber Choir performing at Bath Music Festival on May 16th 2014.
Venue: St SWithin's, Bath
Director: Francis Faux
Pianist: MatThew Finch
Please visit for more information on upcoming events.
Jerusalem at Abraham's house
words: Mahmoud Darwich
(adapted by The composer)
music: Jean-Christophe Rosaz
by Le Choeur des Polysons
conducting: Elisabeth Trigo
piano: Mathieu Picard
avec l'aimable autorisation
des Editions Actes Sud
et des Editions de Minuit
Ô fi... morewords: Mahmoud Darwich
(adapted by The composer)
music: Jean-Christophe Rosaz
by Le Choeur des Polysons
conducting: Elisabeth Trigo
piano: Mathieu Picard
avec l'aimable autorisation
des Editions Actes Sud
et des Editions de Minuit
Ô fils des chaînes
enfants de Babylone
Vous reviendrez bientôt à Jérusalem
et alors vous grandirez
bientôt, bientôt!
Chantons Jérusalem!
Nous chantons Jérusalem
Vous souvenant
du passé de Babylone
Vous moissonnerez le blé de Jérusalem
O son of The chains
Children of Babylon
You will soon return to Jerusalem
And Then You will grow
soon soon!
Let us sing Jerusalem!
We sing Jerusalem
Of The past of Babylon
You will reap The wheat of Jerusalem less
Emlanjeni - Cape Town Youth Choir
Cape Town Youth Choir
Recorded live at The Baxter Theatre, Cape Town
August 2017
If You wish to help us in our mission of sharing our music With The world, please consider donating to our Patreon page:
Condu... moreEmlanjeni
Cape Town Youth Choir
Recorded live at The Baxter Theatre, Cape Town
August 2017
If You wish to help us in our mission of sharing our music With The world, please consider donating to our Patreon page:
Conductor: Leon Starker
(Sung mostly in Zulu)
Emlanjeni eBabiloni (By The river of Babylon)
Sathi vuthu, sahlala phansi (where we sat down)
Salila izinyembezi (And There we wept)
Somandla siyabonga (Lord we thank You)
Uthando isiphelona (For Your love and refuge)
Sikhala isithlupheka, (You heard our cries and troubles)
Uyazisuli izinyembezi (And You wiped our tears)
(“Yelele” is sound of praise)
Yele yelele Jehova, Yele Yele Yele Yelele, Yele Yele
Yele Yelele, Yele Yele Yele Modimo (The Lord, in Sotho) less
O Magnum Mysterium
Music: Thomás Luis De Victoria
Performed by Naomi Riemis, Silke Bauters, Astrid Thibaut, Karolien Van Dessel, Michael Limpens, Dries Van Cauteren, Wim Thys and Wim Van Aarle from The 'Universitair Koor Antwerpen' at Their Christmas Concert "Christmas C... moreMusic: Thomás Luis De Victoria
Performed by Naomi Riemis, Silke Bauters, Astrid Thibaut, Karolien Van Dessel, Michael Limpens, Dries Van Cauteren, Wim Thys and Wim Van Aarle from The 'Universitair Koor Antwerpen' at Their Christmas Concert "Christmas Carols With A Twist" on December 16, 2014.
Glory to God G.F Handel's Joshua
A fantastic and rousing performance of one of Handel's finest Solo and Chorus by The Golden Voices Choir STACC FUTO at The 13th edition of her annual music concert "Canzona".
Tenor soloist: Anusie Emmanuel
Conductor: Okoro Clarence O.
So ben mi ch'a bon tempo - The Marion Consort
Son ben mi ch'a bon tempo - Orazio Vecchi
The Marion Consort from Chicago, Illinois
From our summer concert on Saturday, July 16, 2011 at Resurrection LuTheran Church in Chicago, Illinois.
Check out more live recordings on our facebook page!
w... moreSon ben mi ch'a bon tempo - Orazio Vecchi
The Marion Consort from Chicago, Illinois
From our summer concert on Saturday, July 16, 2011 at Resurrection LuTheran Church in Chicago, Illinois.
Check out more live recordings on our facebook page!
Pie' Jesu
Pie' Jesu is The 7th movement of The Requiem Aeternam Pacem 9/11 composed by Diana RuTherford © 2011 Choir Aahs SATB, Flute, Violin and Cello. Please visit my website for sheet music and contact information.
Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei is The 6th movement of The Requiem Aeternam Pacem 9/11 composed by Diana RuTherford © 2011 Choir Aahs SATB, Oboe, Violin and Cello. Please visit my website for sheet music and contact information.