International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


2,850 results found
Morten Lauridsen "O Magnum Mysterium"
video: Morten Lauridsen "O Magnum Mysterium"

指揮Conductor:連芳貝Tracy Lien/薩克斯風:李昆峰 【Sacred Music & Sax】Ⅱ We tried a new style of music, featuring the combination of sacred music with saxophone improvisation. This part including 5 songs from different times: 1.Gregorian chant【Ave Maria】 2.Gio...  more

group: Koruso!

Koruso!, meaning Chorus in Esperanto, began in October 2008 as a Southwark Council initiative to promote community cohesion. It has since grown from a small choral group to a self-run community choir with a wide ranging repertoire, performing music that b...  more

BY YOUR SIDE -  The Heart of Scotland Choir & Junior Chorus
video: BY YOUR SIDE - The Heart of Scotland Choir & Junior Chorus

Great hearing both choirs sing this song by Jane Hamilton.

Žilinský miešaný zbor
group: Žilinský miešaný zbor

Žilina Mixed Choir ( 1954) Žilina Mixed Choir (official name is the Mixed Choir of Žilina, OZ) is amateur Chorus established in 1954 under the patronage of the city of Žilina. At present it ranks among the best Choruses in Slovakia. During its 55-ye...  more

Barnsley Youth Choir :  I Just Can't Give Up Now
video: Barnsley Youth Choir : I Just Can't Give Up Now

Carefully controlled Chorus, confident mature sounding soloists, and that a cappella ending is just sublime! Well performed, Mat Wright and the Barnsley Youth Choir and your faithful band of supporting instrumental players

A Hawaiian Hallelujah
video: A Hawaiian Hallelujah

This video can't be watched without smiling! Colorful, musical, adorable, full of aloha! The trebles and adult choristers of the Hawai'i Sacred Choir recorded the audio in a cathedral and then produced the video, showcasing special spots in Hawai'i,...  more

Inspira | We Rise Again
video: Inspira | We Rise Again

The Inspira Chamber Choir (formerly Calgary Youth Chorus) performs Canadian folk song "We Rise Again" arranged by Stephen Smith in exhibition at the 10th Golden Gate InterNational Choir Festival. Berkeley, CA, USA.

"There Will Come Soft Rain"
video: "There Will Come Soft Rain"

"There Will Come Soft Rain" by Jonathan Adams for SSAATTBB Chorus. Performed by Matthew Curtis.

Euphoric Utterances Chorale
group: Euphoric Utterances Chorale

EUCHO is a community choir based in Scenery Park, East London, under the leadership of Mr S Sonanze as the Director and Mr M Zenani as the Chorus Manager. Our aspiration is to take township choral singing to higher a level. We are also aiming at focusing ...  more