Hello everyone, I'm Santiago Veros, and I'm thrilled to share with you the next chapter in the creation of my Mass, "Eternal Unity." This is undoubtedly one of the most ambitious initiatives in the choral world. We are creating a Mass, composing one movem...
Coro de Filosofía y Letras (UBA) y Coro de Cámara Julián Aguirre Dirigidos por Carlos Andrés Aciar en San Rafael Coral 10ma. Edición Mendoza, Argentina. 12 al 14 de agosto de 2022 Sopranos: Agustina Luján Chávez Angélica Santamaría Valentín ... more
Aequalis Foundation and International Choral Composition Composition-CICCAG assisted by IFCM were join the celebration of World Choral Day), that today commemorates the Centennial of the Armistice of World War I. Voices from Argentina, Austria, Canada, Co... more
GLORIA - Antonio VIVALDI Et in terra pax
The Salt Lake Vocal Artists perform "Cantate Domino" by Josu Elberdin live in concert on August 10, 2011 in the Teatro Verdi, Trelew, Patagonia Argentina, under the direction of Dr. Brady Allred, as part of their appearance at the 9th World Symposium on C... more
Hor: '' Iuventus Cantat '', iz Sombora Kamerni orkestar: '' Àrtisti dell arco '', iz Novog Sada Dirigent: Fedor Prodanov Oktobar 2005, Sombor
Prima esecuzione del "Sanctus" di Michele Josia del Coro Città di Roma al 32° Concorso Internazionale di Varna (Bulgaria). Primo Premio
Festival Anima Mea 2017, Cappella Musicale Corradiana, coro e orchestra. Estratto: Kyrie, GLORIA (in parte). Antonio Magarelli, direttore. Annamaria Bellocchio, soprano Vincenzo Scarafile, alto Michele Sallustio, tenore Gianluca Borreggine, bas... more
This short choral piece is in my collection The New GLORIA Deo, Volume Two published by Augsburg Fortress. The pictures were taken by the C & O Canal near Harper's Ferry, WV. The recording is the publisher's demo recording.
Benefční koncert duchovní hudby Kostel Nejsvětější Trojice v Brně – Králově Poli 13.11.2018 www.GLORIAbrunensis.cz