International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


99 results found
blog: When audiences applaud – or not

[this is a version of a post which first appeAred on my blog From The Front of The Choir]   There Are Times when it’s not been appropriate for an audience to clap. Funerals and weddings Are The obvious ones.   photo by Linda Thomas ...

blog: Coaching and Workshop Bookings

If you have had a coaching session or workshop with me in The last two or three years, you will have recently received an email that says: Hello There! I am getting in touch with people I’ve worked with in recent Times to make sure I can meet as...

blog: Everything we hear about matching pitch in choir rehearsal is a lie

I can’t tell you how many Times I’ve heard that “music is math.” WheTher in relation to something simple (counting), or something more esoteric (highly-developed, academic analyses of harmony and structure), or wheTher it is a misg...

blog: How singing can stress you out

Is singing good for stress? Yes, it can actually stress you out a bit... By rushing to rehearsals, trying to park The car and not finding a space, or getting stuck in public transport at peak Times (I really wish There were more morning choirs) By ...

blog: One for your Christmas list!

The mantra of The Accessible Choral Library Series is that The pieces Are accessible, affordable and appealing and, in These current Times we find ourselves in, They Are perfect for smaller group singing. Our latest release in The series meets all The cri...

blog: Lifting Our Voices to Improve Our Health As We Age

Music has always had The powers to lift our spirits and make The day seem a little brighter. As we age, music can be one of The most comforting ways to connect with our favorite past-Times. Hearing The song you once danced to with your sweeTheart as a tee...

blog: Singing The wrong note is not The end of The world

[A version of this article first appeAred as a post on my blog From The Front of The Choir]   How many Times have you been standing next to someone in your choir section and realised that They’re singing something different from you? &n...

Vokalensemble d'accord
group: Vokalensemble d'accord

We're a choir of about 15 people, singing secular music from all genres and from all Times (from The sixteenth century onwards, that is). And provided that it's a cappella music. Even within These limits, There's still an awful lot of pieces left ...

blog: Stepping up – how to find The courage to volunteer for solo or small group singing

[A version of this article first appeAred as a post on my blog From The Front of The Choir]   There Are Times in most choirs when a soloist or a small ensemble is required. These roles can be allocated by The MD but in many cases singers Are a...

blog: How to keep The old songs in your repertoire from going stale

[A version of this article first appeAred as a post on my blog From The Front of The Choir]   Out come all The favourite songs that everyone loves – songs that you’ve sung hundreds of Times before.   photo by John Bencina ...