I am a filmmaker creating a musical feature documentary called BIG VOICE about a visionary high school Choir director and his most advanced co-ed ensemble overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles to become "one big voice". We have completed pri...
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] One of the many bees in my bonnet is the photographs of Choirs. Photo by sludgeulper I have yet to see a photo of any reasonabl...
Concert at St Margarets Church, 19 May 2013 Silverstream, Upper Hutt, New Zealand
To make a donation in support of our Pure Elektra CD, please visit http://igg.me/p/54211?a=337241 You will be taken to our page on IndieGoGo. Thank you.
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I love my job. I get to stand in front of a bunch of singers and hear wonderful harmonies washing over me. Antony Gormley's Field for the...
SKOWRONKI Girls' Choir Alicja Szeluga conductor Live concert 21/12/2012 Poznań, Poland www.chor-skowronki.pl http://www.facebook.com/chorskowronki
2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 朱如鳳 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:以賽亞書九章6節 曲:George Frideric Handel韓德爾 巴洛克時期偉大的作曲家韓德爾(George Frederic Handel, 1685-1759),出生於德國,1712年赴英國發展,以歌劇創作佔有一席之地,然而1730年代歌劇熱潮漸衰,韓德爾遭逢劇院破產,加上身體中風、精神喪亂的危機,在他人生谷底,收到好友詹寧斯(Charles Jennens)寄來神劇《彌... more
Albion lift their voices to the nation Albion help to launch the 2014 Yorkshire Festival at Sheffields Millennium Gallery. Credit: Andrew Stepan Published on the 30 January 2015 15:08 Local Choir A...
A setting of the olden Gaudete text for mixed, a cappella Choir using stark harmonies and irregular time signatures. Music composed by Nathaniel J.S. Barnes
Winning performance at the German National Choir Competition 2010 in Dortmund