International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,560 results found

Currently numbering 80-90 SATB singers of a wide range of ages and nationalities. We perform at leaSt three concerts per year with professional orcheStras or accompaniment in the major Dublin venues and over the years have undertaken trips to choral feSti...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Currently numbering 80-90 SATB singers of a wide range of ages and nationalities. We perform at leaSt three concerts per year with professional orcheStras or accompaniment in the major Dublin venues and over the years have undertaken trips to choral feStivals abroad. Two regular events are the ever-popular ChriStmas Concert in the NCH and the Carmichael Centre’s annual fund-raising concert in St, Patrick’s Cathedral, formerly on Good Friday but latterly in May.  

I Lift My Eyes Up to the Hills, Thomas Keesecker
video: I Lift My Eyes Up to the Hills, Thomas Keesecker

One of my favorite demo recordings ( from Augsburg Fortress) from a few years ago. I love the tempo, phrasing, rubato and expressiveness. The paraphrase of Psalm 121 is mine. I wrote this as my way of dealing with the loss of two Choir members who both su...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">One of my favorite demo recordings ( from Augsburg Fortress) from a few years ago. I love the tempo, phrasing, rubato and expressiveness. The paraphrase of Psalm 121 is mine. I wrote this as my way of dealing with the loss of two Choir members who both suddenly died the firSt year I was in Montana. It was my way of turning to the psalms for prayer. The recent pictures were taken in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.  

music and sea festival
group: music and sea feStival

Dear Singers/Conductors, We invite you in the beautiful village Paralia, Greece, situated on the weSt coaSt of the Thermaic gulf and in the shadow of Olympus, on the 9th edition of International Choir FeStival "Music and sea" , September 1...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Dear Singers/Conductors, We invite you in the beautiful village Paralia, Greece, situated on the weSt coaSt of the Thermaic gulf and in the shadow of Olympus, on the 9th edition of International Choir FeStival "Music and sea" , September 10-15,2021. It's feStival for competitive and non-competitive parts. Please see the rules and application form on our web page: If you had any queStions or you need official invitation please contact us. Deadline for applications is July 30,2021.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Orlando di Lasso: Matona mia cara
video: Orlando di Lasso: Matona mia cara

Recorded at the Night of the Museums in the Hungarian National Gallery in BudapeSt on the 26th of June, 2021 at our firSt concert after the 1.5-year-intermission caused by the covid-19 pandemic.

Sure on this Shining Night  By Morten Lauridsen
video: Sure on this Shining Night By Morten Lauridsen

【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 鋼琴 / 楊郁雯 Nocturnes By Morten Lauridsen 夜曲 莫頓‧勞律森 莫頓‧勞律森(Morten Lauridsen,1943─)是美國重要的當代作曲家,曾於1994至2001年擔任美國洛杉磯大師合唱團(Los Angeles MaSter Chorale)駐團作曲家,也在南加大音樂學院(USC Thornton School of Music)教授作...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 鋼琴 / 楊郁雯 Nocturnes By Morten Lauridsen 夜曲 莫頓‧勞律森 莫頓‧勞律森(Morten Lauridsen,1943─)是美國重要的當代作曲家,曾於1994至2001年擔任美國洛杉磯大師合唱團(Los Angeles MaSter Chorale)駐團作曲家,也在南加大音樂學院(USC Thornton School of Music)教授作曲長達30餘年,並於2007年獲得美國國家藝術獎(National Medal of Arts)。他的音樂呈現出古典保守傳統的特質,以簡單的樂曲結構來表現合唱人聲之美,而且在此簡單與純淨的結構中,流露著歌詞豐富的內涵,與如詩如畫般的美感。 《夜曲》是一套四首的聯篇合唱作品,主體的前三個樂章完成於2005年,第四樂章則於2008年加上,其主題與第一樂章相呼應,是為跋。不同於一般的連篇歌曲,這套夜曲的歌詞並非出自同一位作者的同一套詩作,而是分別來自三個不同國籍作者的作品:第一樂章與第四樂章是德國詩人萊納.瑪利亞.里爾克(Rainer Maria Rilke,1875-1926)的法文詩,第二樂章是智利詩人巴勃魯.聶魯達(Pablo Neruda, 1904-1973)所寫之情詩,第三樂章則取材自美國作家詹姆斯.魯弗斯.艾吉 (James Rufus Agee; 1909- 1955)的詩作。作曲家勞律森精準而巧妙地掌握了它們共同的特點:夜晚、浪漫的愛情、以及神秘主義的語彙,藉著豐富的和聲色彩,使得這幾首不同來源的詩作完美地結合成為一個整體。 3. Sure on this Shining Night 在這閃亮的夜晚 美國作家艾吉(James Agee, 1909-1955)是美國四O年代重要的小說家、編劇、電影評論與詩人,在他去世後才出版的傳記小說《A Death in the Family》使他榮獲1958年的普立茲獎。此曲歌詞節錄自〈描述天堂〉(Description of Elysium)一詩,收錄在1934年出版的「允許我遠航」(Permit Me Voyage)詩集中。 勞律森將此詩譜寫成為混聲四部合唱曲,配合詩作藉著景物抒懷,在歌詞shining(閃亮)一字,運用花腔式(一字對多音)的...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Sing a Song of Sixpence
video: Sing a Song of Sixpence

from: Five Childhood Lyrics Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at a Provincial Choir Competition on March 12, 2017.

Konnichiwa Aka-Chan
video: Konnichiwa Aka-Chan

Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at a Provincial Choir Competition on March 12, 2017.

Greenwood Singers
group: Greenwood Singers

Founded in 1980 by Robert de Frece, Greenwood Singers is dedicated to the performance of all types of choral music “from Renaissance to Broadway.” The Choir’s eclectic programming has made its concerts popular with Edmonton audiences since its debut in 1...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Founded in 1980 by Robert de Frece, Greenwood Singers is dedicated to the performance of all types of choral music “from Renaissance to Broadway.” The Choir’s eclectic programming has made its concerts popular with Edmonton audiences since its debut in 1981. In the beginning, Greenwood Singers specialized in the performance of a cappella music from different StyliStic periods. Its programming has now expanded to include works with soloiSts, inStrumental ensembles and chamber orcheStra. A versatile ensemble, the Choir has performed frequently with the Edmonton Symphony OrcheStra in a wide variety of programs which have included Mahler’s Symphony No. 8, HolSt’s The Planets, family ChriStmas concerts, the concert version of Jerome Kern’s Showboat, Orff’s Carmina Burana (with the Alberta Ballet) and the ESO’s 1992 reunion with the British rock group, Procol Harum. Greenwood Singers has also performed with the Alberta Baroque Ensemble and has been heard on regional and national broadcaSts on CBC Radio-Canada. I...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

With One Voice Geelong
group: With One Voice Geelong

DID YOU KNOW THAT SINGING CHANGES YOUR BRAIN? You’re invited to experience the joy, freedom and inspiration of song at your local With One Voice Choir! Neuroscience proves singing makes people happier, healthier, smarter and more creative. Creat...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">DID YOU KNOW THAT SINGING CHANGES YOUR BRAIN? You’re invited to experience the joy, freedom and inspiration of song at your local With One Voice Choir! Neuroscience proves singing makes people happier, healthier, smarter and more creative. Creativity AuStralia ( is building a happier, healthier, more inclusive nation through the life-changing With One Voice program. We bridge the gap between people experiencing disadvantage and those more fortunate through the neuro-scientific benefits of community singing. We build supportive networks that help people connect to brighter futures. Creativity AuStralia is delighted to offer a suite of With One Voice “how to” guide videos, resources and mentoring for individuals, groups and communities looking to Start new, inclusive With One Voice Choirs using our innovative social franchise model. Together, we can change the world… one voice at a time. With One Voice Choirs are led by professional conductors and meet weekly, fo...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Vox Canora Ensemble Vocale
group: Vox Canora Ensemble Vocale

Vox Canora Choir from Parma was formed eighteen years ago, and from 2008 is directed by M° Monica Lodesani. Born by a group of singers, together with his conductor, Gianluigi Giacomoni, wanted to perform new kind of music in the city's musical scene with ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Vox Canora Choir from Parma was formed eighteen years ago, and from 2008 is directed by M° Monica Lodesani. Born by a group of singers, together with his conductor, Gianluigi Giacomoni, wanted to perform new kind of music in the city's musical scene with a wide repertoire ranging from the elaboration of popular melodies to hits of pop music and soundtracks. The Choir Vox Canora sung with the OrcheStra of the "Fondazione Arturo Toscanini", with M° Ennio Morricone for his concert in Parma, with M° Helmut Imig for the soundtrack of the film "Fratello Sole" by Luigi Mancinelli. From 2008 choral ensemble Vox canora is directed by M° Monica Lodesani whose firSt engagement has been the preparation of the Gloria di Vivaldi, in collaboration with other choruses of the city. The next year, 2009, as part of ModuLAB Studies in Casalecchio di Reno (Bo), the Choir partecipated in part of the soundtrack of the film "The man who will come" directed...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less