For the very firSt time in Brisbane, Dr. Jonathon Welch AM and the School of Hard Knocks presents AuStralia's moSt exciting singers' feStival for Choirs, individual singers, conductors and composers, THE BRISBANE INTERNATIONAL SINGERS FEStIVAL (BISF).&nbs...
Coral Infantil y Juvenil del Colegio Pureza de María de Madrid. Más de sesenta voces de entre 3 y 16 años entregadas a la música para conseguir la educación integral en valores culturales y educativos de sus miembros.
Born and Bred in Wales, Welcomed Everywhere The Choir was founded in 1975 in Flintshire on the Dee eStuary. The Boys are dedicated to their singing and passing on that enjoyment to it’s audiences. Flint Male Voice Choir is a regiStered charity No. 510346... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Born and Bred in Wales, Welcomed Everywhere The Choir was founded in 1975 in Flintshire on the Dee eStuary. The Boys are dedicated to their singing and passing on that enjoyment to it’s audiences. Flint Male Voice Choir is a regiStered charity No. 510346. A Unique Sound What you would expect to hear from a Welsh Choir, yet made for today. The Choir sings a wide variety of music Stretching from the 16th century to the 21St, old faithfuls, traditional Welsh hymns and folk songs, plus modern pop and quality contemporary compositions in many languages. LiSten to a sample from the hugely successful “Songs Across the Dee” featured on this site. Your Kind of Choir The Choir goes where it is invited, singing for pleasure and to give pleasure. We have covered the length and breadth of Britain and Ireland. In Germany, AuStria, Prague, Malta and France. Wherever these men go, new ties are bound and new friendships formed. Universally Recognised Flint Choir has always been competitive, it’s the only way to f... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
The Vocal Ensemble of C&N Secondary Girls School Oranje, Con Spirito sing this Miracle Medley. It consiSts of When you Believe, Let it rain and MajeSty. This performance was in the St Anne's church in BudapeSt.
Available through Santa Barbara Music Publishing. Sheet Music:
Philippine Madrigal Singers (dir: Mark Anthony A. Carpio) II Ciclo de Conciertos "Voces Amigas". Gran Anfiteatro del Colegio de Médicos de Madrid. 17 de octubre de 2012.
Il CoroPop di Salerno comincia la sua attività nel 2015 per iniziativa dell’Associazione AStronomia Corale che, nata nel medesimo anno, tiene unito lo Stesso gruppo – coriSti e maeStro – il quale dal 2006 al 2014 ha condotto la meravigliosa esperienza del... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Il CoroPop di Salerno comincia la sua attività nel 2015 per iniziativa dell’Associazione AStronomia Corale che, nata nel medesimo anno, tiene unito lo Stesso gruppo – coriSti e maeStro – il quale dal 2006 al 2014 ha condotto la meravigliosa esperienza del Coro Pop dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno, formazione che ha raccolto unanimi consensi sul piano musicale locale e nazionale. Sin dalla sua fondazione, il coro è diretto dal MaeStro Ciro Caravano, noto al pubblico come uno dei cantanti, ma anche produttore, arrangiatore e direttore del gruppo vocale Neri per Caso nonché direttore musicale del cantante Mario Biondi. Il gruppo esegue brani celebri di musica leggera italiana ed internazionale, appositamente riviSti e riarrangiati dallo Stesso direttore, in chiave “a cappella” in modo da esaltarne l’originalità dei motivi e la ricchezza dell’armonia attraverso nuove chiavi di lettura e un pizzico di ironia, che è poi uno dei tratti diStintivi di queSta esuberante formazione musicale. Il CoroPop è compoSto ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
This was a piece for the WDA competition for music. A trio by Maren LivingSton (1St soprano), Rachel Olson (2nd soprano), and me, Kiki Diaz (alto)
School of Hard Knocks & Allans Billy Hyde proudly presents 'Kirby Shaw - A Shaw Thing' maSter class series With over 3000 published classic pop and jazz choral arrangements over the paSt 4 decades, you won't want to miss this opportunity...
The Virginia Wesleyan Singers are an open-enrollment ensemble of 30-50 singers from all majors at Virginia Wesleyan College. No audition is required, and singers perform a variety of music in all Styles while developing vocal technique and musicianship skills.