66 results found
How To plan and Run a singing workshop
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]
Planning a singing workshop is a lot like planning a regular choir session.
PhoTo by Pink Singers
The main differences are t...
National Youth Choirs of Great Britain
We're five choirs of seven hundred Young people aged 9-25 from across the United Kingdom, and a national singing champion reaching hundreds more every year through outreach. We Run inspirational residential courses and training programmes, create remarkab... moreWe're five choirs of seven hundred Young people aged 9-25 from across the United Kingdom, and a national singing champion reaching hundreds more every year through outreach. We Run inspirational residential courses and training programmes, create remarkable concerts and performances, and work in partnership To get singing happening in schools and open settings. We do it because singing Together at the highest level transforms Young people's lives, and we want To make sure that as many as possible get the chance To experience it for themselves. less
Salford Youth Choir
Salford Youth Choir is Run by Salford Music and performing Arts Service for children aged between 11-18. This is a fun group of Youngsters that love To sing and perform. We tackle all kinds of music and sing at local venues as well as 'The Lowry' and othe... moreSalford Youth Choir is Run by Salford Music and performing Arts Service for children aged between 11-18. This is a fun group of Youngsters that love To sing and perform. We tackle all kinds of music and sing at local venues as well as 'The Lowry' and other high profile venues around the area. If You love To sing come and give it a go.
Thurday 6.45pm-8pm term time only. 0161 778 0256
CallingTon Community Gospel Choir
Formed in November 2005, the choir has performed around England, Wales, parts of France and Germany. Members of the choir also Run a training choir To train other choirs To perform Gospel music. The small training choir is able To travel anywhere. To da... moreFormed in November 2005, the choir has performed around England, Wales, parts of France and Germany. Members of the choir also Run a training choir To train other choirs To perform Gospel music. The small training choir is able To travel anywhere. To date they have travelled To Cornwall, Devon, Derbyshire, Wales, France and Germany. The whole choir is mixed, with approximately 50 singers and performs around 30 times a year. The choir has raised over £63,000 for charity over their time Together.
If You want To try Gospel music or want a hand with setting up a Gospel choir, let us know. less
Koruso!, meaning chorus in EsperanTo, began in OcTober 2008 as a Southwark Council initiative To promote community cohesion. It has since grown from a small choral group To a self-Run community choir with a wide ranging reperToire, performing music that b... moreKoruso!, meaning chorus in EsperanTo, began in OcTober 2008 as a Southwark Council initiative To promote community cohesion. It has since grown from a small choral group To a self-Run community choir with a wide ranging reperToire, performing music that bridges cultures and unites faith traditions.
The project won an ABC award in December 2009 at the Royal Society for the Arts and was cited by the judging panel as ”an excellent, innovative way of bringing people Together through a shared passion for music”. Koruso! host performances at least twice a year and To date has performed at a variety of venues across its home borough and beyond.
Members come from all walks of life and all across Southwark. We enjoy singing Together every Thursday from 6:30pm at Oliver Goldsmiths Primary School, Peckham Road. New members are always welcome - particularly tenors and basses.
Fair daffodils by Benjamin Britten sung at a Nottingham choir course in 1977
Sung by us at a singing course in Nottingham in 1977
Fair daffodils, we weep To see
You haste away so soon;
As yet the early-rising sun
Has not attain'd his noon.
Stay, stay until the hasting day
Has Run but To the evensong,
And, having pray'd To... moreSung by us at a singing course in Nottingham in 1977
Fair daffodils, we weep To see
You haste away so soon;
As yet the early-rising sun
Has not attain'd his noon.
Stay, stay until the hasting day
Has Run but To the evensong,
And, having pray'd Together, we
Will go with You along.
We have short time To stay, as You,
We have as short a spring;
As quick a growth To meet decay,
As You, or anything.
We die, as Your hours do, and dry away,
Like To the summer's rain,
Or as the pearls of morning's dew,
Ne'er To be found again. less
UCT Choir
The UCT Choir is the most diverse musical group at the University of Cape Town. It is a fully student-Run ensemble which welcomes students from every faculty and discipline, as well as alumni, external members and international students. The fifty-person ... moreThe UCT Choir is the most diverse musical group at the University of Cape Town. It is a fully student-Run ensemble which welcomes students from every faculty and discipline, as well as alumni, external members and international students. The fifty-person choir is an active participant in the musical life of Cape Town. Singers and audiences are exposed To a rich variety of choral music from classical To contemporary genres, drawing strongly on our own South African musical heritage. less