Performed by the Illinois Wesleyan university Collegiate Chorale J. Scott Ferguson, Conductor. March 2012. ---English Poetic Translation: In the midst of troubles and of great calamities, When facing the mountains of life and all of life's burdens, ... more
Народный коллектив России Академический Хор Нижегородского государственного университета (ННГУ). Конкурсное выступление на Всемирной Хоровой Олимпиаде 2008 в г. Грац, Австрия. Русская народная песня "Веники" (обр. Ф. Рубцов). Nizhny Novgorod State Univer... more
Manolo Da Rold conducts the Corale Zumellese and the Oklahoma State university Concert Chorale (Z. Randall Stroope conductor) in the Chiesa Arcipretale of Mel - Belluno (ITALY) on June 27, 2017 O magnum mysterium : Ivo Antognini
The St. Olaf choir, with 75 mixed voices, is the pioneer a cappella choir in the United States. For nearly a century, the choir has set a standard of choral excellence and remained at the forefront of choral artistry. Conducted since 1990 by Anton Armstro... more
The Collected Project performs new , surprising arrangements to favorite songs
Promotional video from Colorado Christian Univerity with credits to Life Cairn Productions
We're an exciting, fun female choir, with a competitive edge. We sing everything from modern pop to choral and barbershop. On our first birthday, we won the Acappella/barbershop class at the 2011 International Eisteddfod in Wales, and we have earned ... more
Arizona Girlchoir presents the finest in choral performance for our community while providing a premium musical education to young women.
The Apollo Chorus of Chicago is the area's premier volunteer choir and one of the oldest musical groups in the United States. Its 125-plus auditioned members include men and women of all ages, races, creeds, and occupations brought together by their love... more
The choir was founded on November 10th, 2010 and is continuing its efforts by including in its repertoire polyphonic Turkish folk songs, choir pieces of different periods and Cyprus polyphonic choir pieces along with the world choir literature. Since i... more