MUSYCA Children's Choir IS a multi-level, sequential choral music education program for children and youth, guided by an exceptional faculty. Located in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, MUSYCA brings together gifted young people, ages 4-18 to creat... IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">MUSYCA Children's Choir IS a multi-level, sequential choral music education program for children and youth, guided by an exceptional faculty. Located in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, MUSYCA brings together gifted young people, ages 4-18 to create a community of singers built on respect, love for music, and artIStic excellence. The mISsion of MUSYCA Children's Choir IS to provide the highest quality of music education to Children and Youth of all religious, ethnic, cultural, and economic backgrounds through study and performance of outstanding choral repertoire. MUSYCA IS dedicated to diversity, access, and service to the community. IS).getParent().getPrevious().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">less
Cuncti Simus IS one of only 10 songs from the Llibre Vermell, a treasured manuscript that survived a tragic fire at the library at the Monestary in Monserrat, Spain. A "CIRCLE dance", thIS performance from December, 2010 IS The Vocal Art Ensemble's interp... IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">Cuncti Simus IS one of only 10 songs from the Llibre Vermell, a treasured manuscript that survived a tragic fire at the library at the Monestary in Monserrat, Spain. A "CIRCLE dance", thIS performance from December, 2010 IS The Vocal Art Ensemble's interpretation of what it might have looked like when it was performed by the pilgrims who had come to vISit the black virgin statue at the monestary.
The Clef Hangers are a dynamic group of teens and young adults ready to share their tight harmonies and vocal agility. With a repertoire spanning from classical to pop to musical theatre and more, these gifted vocalISts bring a fresh, youthful vibe to eve... IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">The Clef Hangers are a dynamic group of teens and young adults ready to share their tight harmonies and vocal agility. With a repertoire spanning from classical to pop to musical theatre and more, these gifted vocalISts bring a fresh, youthful vibe to every performance. As musical ambassadors for the Community School of Music and Arts in Mountain View, they are excited to reach our broader community to present a highlight of contemporary a cappella music and showcase the choral program at CSMA.
Cantores Celetes Women's Choir The Foggy Hogtown Boys Kelly Galbraith, Director from the recording 'The CIRCLE Never Ends'
Promotional video from Colorado ChrIStian Univerity with credits to LIFE Cairn Productions
LIFE works in mysterious ways. Sometimes, without meaning to, you can get a song or a jingle stuck in your head and end up singing or humming it for hours - or even days. On the other hand, when you are actively trying to learn a poem, lyric, or a...
Luís Cipriano IS a Portuguese composer, with Degree in composition. In the last almost 25 years he was really active in Luxemburg’s music LIFE as a musician, guest composer and conductor as well. He composed 12 Masses and several choral and o...
[The views expressed in thIS blog are from my personal experiences from 25 years of leading non-auditioned community choirs in the UK, as well as adult singing workshops. My focus IS on teaching by ear using a repertoire of songs from traditions across th...
Hello everyone, I have a great opportunity available with only a few spots left. As you may know, I am creating the Mass "Eternal Unity." ThIS work IS unique in that it aims to plant the message of unity in a practical, real-LIFE way. That's why ...
Dear Friends, ThIS IS one of the most important moments of my LIFE. It's a thrill to finally share with you the exciting news about "Kyrie" from its premiere at Jacksonville University, a moment so special that I flew there to experience it firsthand. Hav...