International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


240 results found
Adon olam
video: Adon olam

for SATB Chorus (divisi) unaccompanied Traditional Prayer Sung in Hebrew Synthesized performance and scrolling score in search of live performances. Musical Composition: © Copyright 1994 by Stanley M. Hoffman. © Copyright 2010 revised. All righ...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">for SATB Chorus (divisi) unaccompanied Traditional Prayer Sung in Hebrew Synthesized performance and scrolling score in search of live performances. Musical Composition: © Copyright 1994 by Stanley M. Hoffman. © Copyright 2010 revised. All rights reserved. the sheet music is available from the composer and from  

blog: 3 more scrolling score videos on YouTube for Jewish choral works - seeking live performances

I just added 3 more scrolling score videos on YouTube for Jewish choral works - seeking live performances.   Adon olam (God is the eternal one) for SATB Chorus (divisi) unaccompanied Sung in Hebrew Synthesized performance...

La Providence - Sydney Guillaume [SSA]
video: La Providence - Sydney Guillaume [SSA]

--- Text by: Gabriel T. Guillaume --- English Translation: God's will be done. (Fiat voluntas Dei.) God of Providence, You who have never failed us, Be blessed now and always. You created all things with an eternal love, For our greater...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">--- Text by: Gabriel T. Guillaume --- English Translation: God's will be done. (Fiat voluntas Dei.) God of Providence, You who have never failed us, Be blessed now and always. You created all things with an eternal love, For our greater good You gave them to us; the bird, our brother, does not sow nor harvest; Though for him to be fed, oh Lord, You provide. A simple lily, a tiny flower, Surpasses the splendor of the great King Solomon. God of Providence, You who have never failed us, Be blessed now and always. Why must we worry of the things to come? Why so many concerns for our future? God of Providence, Master of the Universe, You give to your children more than is needed. In spite of our fears and despite our misfortunes, In our moments of joy and even in our pains, We implore You, oh Lord, God of Providence, You offer us always Your divine presence. Let us search joyfully for the Kingdom of God, For Love and Justice, for Good, for the Peace of the Lor...    is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

blog: Join the eternal Unity Mass - "Gloria" Consortium: Uniting Choirs Globally Year by Year

Hello everyone, I'm Santiago Veros, and I'm thrilled to share with you the next chapter in the creation of my Mass, "eternal Unity." This is undoubtedly one of the most ambitious initiatives in the choral world. We are creating a Mass, composing one movem...

Invitation (Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal)
video: Invitation (Hark, I Hear the Harps eternal)

May 2008 concert. Sung by our most advanced treble choir, Cantabile

The Whole World Is a Very Narrow Bridge: SATB Chorus: NotePerformer 3 Audio; Scrolling Score Video
video: the Whole World is a Very Narrow Bridge: SATB Chorus: NotePerformer 3 Audio; Scrolling Score Video

(Kol ha’olam kulo gesher tsar me’od) Hebrew words by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov and from isaiah 41:10 (Sung in Hebrew) Words: Public Domain. Music: © Copyright 2018 by Stanley M. Hoffman. All rights reserved. NotePerformer ...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">(Kol ha’olam kulo gesher tsar me’od) Hebrew words by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov and from isaiah 41:10 (Sung in Hebrew) Words: Public Domain. Music: © Copyright 2018 by Stanley M. Hoffman. All rights reserved. NotePerformer 3 audio and scrolling score video in search of live performances. --- TEXT the whole world is a very narrow bridge, and the main thing to recall is to not be afraid at all. ---(Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav) Do not be afraid, for I am with you; do not be discouraged, for I am your God. ---(isaiah 41:10)  is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

OLA GJEILO (1978) Across the Vast Eternal Sky Coro CSMC
video: OLA GJEILO (1978) Across the Vast eternal Sky Coro CSMC

Concierto Martes Musical 16.12.14

CWU Chamber Choir: Gjeilo - "Across The Vast, Eternal Sky"
video: CWU Chamber Choir: Gjeilo - "Across the Vast, eternal Sky"

"Across the Vast, eternal Sky" (Gjeilo) performed by the Central Washington University Chamber Choir (Gary Weidenaar, director), the Kairos String Quartet, and Ola Gjeilo (piano). In May, 2013, composer Ola Gjeilo spent 3 days on the Central Washington...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">"Across the Vast, eternal Sky" (Gjeilo) performed by the Central Washington University Chamber Choir (Gary Weidenaar, director), the Kairos String Quartet, and Ola Gjeilo (piano). In May, 2013, composer Ola Gjeilo spent 3 days on the Central Washington University Campus, joining the choir in recording 4 of his pieces. This performance is from that session. the other pieces were "Sanctus" for a cappella choir, and "Luminous Night of the Soul", accompanied by the composer at the piano and joined by the Kairos Quartet -- the resident faculty string quartet at CWU. the final piece, "Ubi Caritas II: Through Infinite Ages", was recorded both in an unaccompanied rendition (how it is written and published) and in a version with Mr. Gjeilo improvising an accompaniment to the choir. This was Ola's second time on CWU's campus. His first visit was in the spring of 2011 and yielded 5 videos of his music, a wide-ranging interview with the composer and other bonus material. It resulted in a DVD entitled "In the M...    is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

Across the Vast, Eternal Sky - Salt Lake Vocal Artists
video: Across the Vast, eternal Sky - Salt Lake Vocal Artists

the Salt Lake Vocal Artists perform the premiere of "Across the Vast, eternal Sky" by Ola Gjeilo live in concert on July 26, 2011 in Libby Gardner concert hall, under the direction of Dr. Brady Allred. This was the Vocal Artists Bon Voyage concert prior ...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">the Salt Lake Vocal Artists perform the premiere of "Across the Vast, eternal Sky" by Ola Gjeilo live in concert on July 26, 2011 in Libby Gardner concert hall, under the direction of Dr. Brady Allred. This was the Vocal Artists Bon Voyage concert prior to their Argentine tour and performance at the 9th International World Choral Symposium. "Across the Vast, eternal Sky" was comissioned by and dedicated to the Salt Lake Vocal Artists and Brady Allred. Piano: Laurel Enke Across the Vast, eternal Sky Weary I fly, Across the vast eternal sky, High in the heavens, Where awaits my destiny. Grey skies are thick'ning; Soon now my time will come, Time to return home 'Cross the vast eternal sky. When I was young I flew in the velvet night; Shining by day, a firebird bathed in light! Grey now my feathers, which once were red and gold; My destiny to soar up to the Sunlight! Sunlight shines on my face; This is my grace, to be Restored, born again, In flame! Do not despair that I a...    is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

blog: Musica Eterna Roma: let your voices blend with the eternal Music of Rome

All roads lead to Rome, to the eternal City   meeting music is very happy to announce the 7th Musica Eterna Roma – International Choir Festival and Competition from July 1-5, 2016 in Rome, Italy   Choirs can choose from the categor...