Going To Have fun with this...
Added May 31, 2014 - 847 views - 0 comments
Just ordered one of these. Can't wait to get it and wear it to my chorus rehearsal.. Should raise a laugh or two!! You can get one from: http://teespring.com/SingInTune (different styles of T shirt and hoodies also available)
Sounds Capital - 2014 PanPacific Barbershop Convention
Added October 29, 2013 - 1362 views - 0 comments
2014 PanPacific Barbershop Convention to be held in New Zealand!!Huge couple of weeks of events.. High School contests, workshops, Annual National Convention, Pan Pacific Convention, Quartets & Choruses from all over the world, Awesome Harmony College.. You n...
Groupanizer gets an update with added services and a fresh look.
Added October 29, 2013 - 5480 views - 0 comments
Groupanizer - Choir Management System & and and option website host service - has just had a refreshing update.. Updates and new service and a rf efreshed website.check it out http://www.groupanizer.com/
Intense, but incredibly fun, singing education - annual Harmony University
Added August 1, 2013 - 917 views - 0 comments
If you are into singing a cappella harmony and feel like doing a week of intense, but enormously fun, musical education with hundreds of other people from all over the globe then this is the place. The anual Harmony University. It is on right now, so too late for the year but pl...
This is what music is about and why I sing!!
Added June 6, 2013 - 1023 views - 0 comments
This is what music is all about and why I sing this genre.. I just wish I could be there to experience the group singing this their chosen song!! I douibt there will be a dry eye in the house.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2BYPyaIjW1I