1,588 results found
Searching Love - Kim André Anrnesen
Visit our website for future performances:
Saturday April 28, at 7:00 PM
St. Paul's United Methodist CHURCH
58 West Main Street
Middletown, NY 10940
59th Annual Spring Con... moreVisit our website for future performances:
Saturday April 28, at 7:00 PM
St. Paul's United Methodist CHURCH
58 West Main Street
Middletown, NY 10940
59th Annual Spring Concerts
Janiece Kohler Artistic Director
Searching Love - Kim André Anrnesen
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We are a mixed chorus SATB accompanied by piano, brass or orchestra. This is a wonderful opportunity for The whole family to hear a professional quality performance at no cost/donation. Please invite your family and friends.
Videography - Patrick Maney less
Teddington Choral Society 70th Anniversary Concert
Teddington Choral Society is delighted to announce its next performance:
70th Anniversary Concert
Saturday December 4th 2021 at 7:30 pm
Landmark Arts Centre
Ferry Road, Teddington TW11 9NN
Teddington Ch...
An abundance of Local Talent on display at Summer Concert
Bridgnorth Choral Society will be presenting a summer evening of song at this year's Summer Concert, consisting of mainly lighter music and several pieces new to The Society's repertoire including a performance of The beautiful ‘Pie Jesu’ from...
Brahms - German Requiem I - Blessed Are They That Mourn - Classic Choral Society
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United Church of Christ
2 Old Dominion Rd.
Blooming Grove, NY 10914
April 30, 2017
58th Annual Spring Concert
Janiece Kohler - Artistic Director
Johannes Brahms... moreVisit our website for future performances:
United Church of Christ
2 Old Dominion Rd.
Blooming Grove, NY 10914
April 30, 2017
58th Annual Spring Concert
Janiece Kohler - Artistic Director
Johannes Brahms
'The London Version' (Sung in English)
With guest artists
Jody WeaTherstone, Soprano
Jeremy J. Moore, Baritone
Ruthanne Schempf & Sylvia Buccelli, Pianists
No Tickets Required ~ Donations Welcomed
Please like us on facebook. Thank you!
Visit our website for future performances:
We are a mixed chorus SATB accompanied by piano, brass or orchestra. This is a wonderful opportunity for The whole family to hear a professional quality performance at no cost/donation. Please invite your family and friends.
Videography - John Maney less
La Trobe University Choral Society
LaTUCS (La Trobe Uni Choral Society) is a non-auditioned choir open to all La Trobe students and staff (and oTher interested members of The community). We rehearse at The Bundoora campus of La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia on Wednesday nights from... moreLaTUCS (La Trobe Uni Choral Society) is a non-auditioned choir open to all La Trobe students and staff (and oTher interested members of The community). We rehearse at The Bundoora campus of La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 9:00pm.
Our objectives are to rehearse and perform Choral music, to participate in InterVarsity Choral Festivals and to do whatever else seems relevant.
The Society is a non-auditioned choir, but it has been suggested that we could have a small, auditioned group within The Society (perhaps called "Graduate Singers" or such like). AnoTher possibility is that we could sing at graduation ceremonies in Union Hall. AnoTher possibility is a joint concert with anoTher UCS. And what sort of music should we sing? Madrigals? Handel's Messiah?
Wombourne and District Choral Society
Our Society is a real opportunity for people to get The most from singing. We have a great musical director, immensely skilled and fun to sing for. Every rehearsal gives us something to discover about The music of all kinds of different styles, how to sin... moreOur Society is a real opportunity for people to get The most from singing. We have a great musical director, immensely skilled and fun to sing for. Every rehearsal gives us something to discover about The music of all kinds of different styles, how to sing, communication with The audience , keeping time, tuning, rhythm etc. The choir works with musically trained people and singers entirely new to singing; some read music and some not. We give great concerts, sometimes of classics such as Elijah (Nov 2012), madrigals, anThems, and lighter music such as The delightful Noah and his Floating Zoo. Like all choirs however we need more singers to keep The choir progressing. We are Therefore expanding The ways we reach out to people who might like to give singing a try, or who would like to return to singing after a break, perhaps to have a family or because of a house move. Everyone is welcome (tenors are especially celebrated!!) You will now find The choir has a Facebook page ( which... less
Jerusalem at Abraham's house
words: Mahmoud Darwich
(adapted by The composer)
music: Jean-Christophe Rosaz
by Le Choeur Des Polysons
conducting: Elisabeth Trigo
piano: Mathieu Picard
avec l'aimable autorisation
Des Editions Actes Sud
et Des Editions de Minuit
Ô fi... morewords: Mahmoud Darwich
(adapted by The composer)
music: Jean-Christophe Rosaz
by Le Choeur Des Polysons
conducting: Elisabeth Trigo
piano: Mathieu Picard
avec l'aimable autorisation
Des Editions Actes Sud
et Des Editions de Minuit
Ô fils Des chaînes
enfants de Babylone
Vous reviendrez bientôt à Jérusalem
et alors vous grandirez
bientôt, bientôt!
Chantons Jérusalem!
Nous chantons Jérusalem
Vous souvenant
du passé de Babylone
Vous moissonnerez le blé de Jérusalem
O son of The chains
Children of Babylon
You will soon return to Jerusalem
And Then you will grow
soon soon!
Let us sing Jerusalem!
We sing Jerusalem
Of The past of Babylon
You will reap The wheat of Jerusalem less